


I got a text file containing all my data

data = 'B:/tempfiles/bla.dat'


from the text file I'm listing the column header and their types with

col_headers = [('VW_3_Avg','<f8'),('Lvl_Max(1)','<f8')]


Then creating a dictionary variable holding the options:

kwargs = dict(delimiter=',',\
              deletechars=' ',\


Now importing the data to the variable datafile

datafile = scipy.genfromtxt(datafile, **kwargs)


VW1 = datafile['VW_3_Avg']
Lv1 = datafile['Lvl_Max(1)']


It works perfectly with the first one (containing underlines), not with the second (parentheses). I get an Error, not only with this entry, but with all that contain parentheses:

ValueError: field named Lvl_Max(1) not found


When I change those parentheses in the text file to underlines, it works perfectly. But I can't say why it won't let me use parentheses - and I can't change the text file formatting as this is produced externally. Of course I could change the parentheses to underlines with a script, but I think it shouldn't be a big issue to get this right. Where and why am I missing the correct formatting precedence in this case?


行为被记录在案,NameValidator 类在 lib/_iotools.py 中解析传入genfromtxt 的名称:

The behaviour is documented, the NameValidator class in lib/_iotools.py which parses the names passed in to genfromtxt:

class NameValidator(object):
    Object to validate a list of strings to use as field names.
    The strings are stripped of any non alphanumeric character, and spaces
    are replaced by '_'. During instantiation, the user can define a list
    of names to exclude, as well as a list of invalid characters. Names in
    the exclusion list are appended a '_' character.
    Once an instance has been created, it can be called with a list of
    names, and a list of valid names will be created.  The `__call__`
    method accepts an optional keyword "default" that sets the default name
    in case of ambiguity. By default this is 'f', so that names will
    default to `f0`, `f1`, etc.


您可以通过在名称中包含其他非字母数字字符的列表上调用 NameValidator.validate 来查看行为:

You can see the behaviour by calling the NameValidator.validate on a list with other non alphanumeric characters in the names:

In [17]: from numpy.lib._iotools import NameValidator

In [18]: l = ["foo(1)","bar!!!","foo bar??"]

In [19]: NameValidator().validate(l)
Out[19]: ('foo1', 'bar', 'foo_bar')

同样使用 genfromtxt:

And the same using genfromtxt:

In [24]: datafile = np.genfromtxt("foo.txt", dtype=[('foo!! bar??', '<f8'), ('foo bar bar$', '<f8')], delimiter=",",defaultfmt="%")

In [25]: datafile.dtype
Out[25]: dtype([('foo_bar', '<f8'), ('foo_bar_bar', '<f8')])


09-02 07:57