



我想获取各种 XYZ 坐标中的对象的坐标,而不是它们出现在天空中的位置.我感兴趣的是:

I would like to get coordinates of objects in various XYZ coordinates, not where they appear in the sky. I'm interested in:

  1. ECE:"以地球为中心惯性"(不随地球旋转)

  1. ECE: "Earth CenteredInertial"(not rotation with the earth)


ECEF: "Earth CenteredEarth-Fixed" (not inertial, alsocalled "Earth Centered Rotational"


and some kind of solar system or ecliptic coordinates (sun orbarycenter centered).


I've installed PyEphem, run a few examples, and have started to understand what's under the hood, but so far the examples I've found seem to focus on how things appear in the sky.


Either a link to a useful "how to" or a simple example would be helpful. Right now I don't see where to go with the standard options:

In [55]: mars.
mars.a_dec              mars.g_dec              mars.radius
mars.a_epoch            mars.g_ra               mars.rise_az
mars.a_ra               mars.hlat               mars.rise_time
mars.alt                mars.hlon               mars.set_az
mars.az                 mars.hlong              mars.set_time
mars.circumpolar        mars.mag                mars.size
mars.compute            mars.name               mars.sun_distance
mars.copy               mars.neverup            mars.transit_alt
mars.dec                mars.parallactic_angle  mars.transit_time
mars.earth_distance     mars.phase              mars.writedb
mars.elong              mars.ra

In [55]: mars.


PyEphem是其包装器的旧C库不会,总是使用( x y z )在内部进行协调,并且这样做时不会公开它们,以便Python可以看到它们是什么-( x y z )坐标就会被丢弃.

The old C library that PyEphem is a wrapper around does not, alas, always use (x, y, z) coordinates internally, and when it does it does not expose them so that Python can see what they were — the (x, y, z) coordinates are discarded once the angles have been computed.

对于同一作者(刚好是我!)的一个较新的天文学库,该库已被完全重写,以使( x y z )的坐标确实在每个步骤中都可用,请尝试看看Skyfield:

For a newer astronomy library by the same author (as it happens, me!) that has been completely rewritten so that (x, y, z) coordinates are indeed available every step of the way, try taking a look at Skyfield:


尤其要研究.position.km.position.au之类的属性如何让您获得任何位置并将其分解为( x y z )笛卡尔坐标:

In particular, look at how attributes like .position.km and .position.au let you get any position and decompose it into (x, y, z) Cartesian coordinates:



09-02 07:51