


Bradski states that "When you want to delete a sequence, you can use cvClearSeq(), a routine that clears all elements of the sequence."


HOWEVER, this function does not return allocated blocks in the memory store to either the store or to the system.


He says that "If you want to retrieve that memory for some other purpose, you must clear the memory store via cvClearMemStore()".


This function does not appear to exist:

error C3861: 'cvClearMemStore': identifier not found


In the errata for the book, it states that: " 'cvClearMemStore' should be 'cvClearMemStorage' " but this function expects a pointer to CvMemStorage, not CvSeq.

error C2664: 'cvClearMemStorage' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'CvSeq *' to 'CvMemStorage *'



我相信,他的意思 cvClearMemStorage()

     重用分配给存储器 - cvClearSeq,cvClearSet ...

文本从头复制:核心/ core_c.h

Text copied from the header: core/core_c.h

你可以从错误告知,要传递错误的数据类型此功能。 ,以确切地知道如何给他们打电话。

As you can tell from the error, you are passing the wrong data type to this function. Check the docs of these functions to know exactly how to call them.


I'll try to illustrate with the code below:

// Create variable to hold the memory allocated for calculations
CvMemStorage* storage = 0;

// Allocate the memory storage. Param 0 will set the block size to a default value - currently it is about 64K.
storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);

IplImage* gray = NULL;
// <insert code to load a gray image here>

/* Retrieves contours from the binary image and returns the number of retrieved contours.
 * cvFindContours will scan through the image and store connected contours in "storage".
 * "contours" will point to the first contour detected.
CvSeq* contours = 0;
cvFindContours(gray, storage, &contours );

// Clear the memory storage which was used before

// Release memory

有一些教程在那里,说明了如何使用 cvSeq 。我发现挺有意思的。有在文章底部的源$ C ​​$ C的链接。

There are a few tutorials out there that shows the use of cvSeq. I found this one quite interesting. There's a link to the source code at the bottom of the post.


09-02 07:35