我已经为我的 UITableViewCell
设置了一个单元格图像.它是一个自定义单元格.我将纵横比设置为 1:1,图像视图的宽度设置为 50.但是对于 iphone 5 和 5s,我觉得这个尺寸太大了.那么如何更改 UIImageView
I have set a cell image to my UITableViewCell
. It is a custom cell. I have set the aspect ratio as 1:1 and the width of the image view to 50. But for iphone 5 and 5s this size is too big as I feel. So how can I change the size of the UIImageView
relative to the screen width.Please help me.Thanks
至少有 2 种方法可以根据屏幕大小配置图像大小:
There are at least 2 ways you could configure image size based on the screen size:
具有纵横比约束的手动方法.通过这种方式,您应该同时选择 ImageView 和单元格的 ContentView,创建等宽"约束并更改它的乘数值.从 1:5 的值开始 - 看起来不错.
Manual approach with Aspect Ration constraint. This way you should select both ImageView and cell's ContentView, create "Equal Width" constraint and change it's multiplier value. Start with a 1:5 value - looking good.