

我正在使用UIWebView来显示本地HTML格式的文本. HTML调用Obj-C函数中是否可以有特定的链接?例如,单击链接以显示新视图?还是我辞职了使用Javascript?

I'm using a UIWebView to display formatted text from local HTML. Is it possible to have specific links in the HTML call Obj-C functions? For example, clicking a link to have a new view appear? Or am I resigned to using Javascript?


您可以使用 UIWebViewDelegate:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:可以拦截URL并对其进行处理.例如

You can use UIWebViewDelegate:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: to intercept the URL and do something with it. E.g.

if ([[request.URL absoluteString]compare:@"http://somelink"] == NSOrderedSame) {
  [self someFunction];
  return YES;  // return NO to prevent this link from loading


09-02 05:59