




I'm making an application which creates course timetables for people at my school. This is the rough design I had in mind for the application:


I'd like my NSDocument subclass to represent an individual's timetable. The idea is that they open up a document, and can add courses from a pool to their timetable, then save, share, open, etc. So the timetable will be stored in an external file, chosen by the user.


I'd like to use CoreData to store all the courses from which students can choose. These will not be altered with the creation and editing of timetables, but instead, likely only on launch of the application, when it checks for updates to the course info.

这似乎是构建我的应用程序的逻辑方法.问题是,当我创建基于NSDocument的应用程序并选中use CoreData框时,而不是使它成为具有CoreData功能的基于NSDocument的应用程序,而是使它成为基于NSPersistentDocument的应用程序.

This seems to be the logical way to structure my app. The problem is, when I create an NSDocument-based application and check the use CoreData box, instead of making it an NSDocument-based app with CoreData facilities, it makes it an NSPersistentDocument-based app.

我不认为这是我想要的行为.有没有一种使用CoreData的方法,但是仍然有一个基于NSDocument的应用程序?还是NSPersistentDocument到底应该使用什么?我是否误解了整个NS * Document业务?您对我的应用程序结构有什么建议吗?

I don't think this is the behaviour I want. Is there a way to use CoreData, but still have an NSDocument-based application? Or is NSPersistentDocument what I should be using after all? Am I misunderstanding the whole NS*Document business? Do you have any advice for my application's structure?



是的,您可以使用Core Data而不使用NSPersistentDocument.只需直接实例化NSPersistentStoreCoordinatorNSManagedObjectContext.这是一些代码:如何创建NSManagedObjectContext

Yes, you can use Core Data without using NSPersistentDocument. Just instantiate NSPersistentStoreCoordinator and NSManagedObjectContext directly. Here's some code: how do you create a NSManagedObjectContext


If you want to share an instance of the catalog among multiple NSDocument instances, and don't want to persist the catalog along with each document, this is a good way to go. Your application or app delegate can take care of loading the course catalog, and your document can take take care of loading and saving an individual student's timetable. You'll have to implement that yourself, using a keyed archiver, say, or by writing a plist yourself.

相反,如果您愿意,您可以进一步利用Core Data.用NSManagedObject表示学生时间表,并让NSPersistentDocument处理加载和保存上下文.您可以免费获得许多有用的功能,例如undo-redo.

Instead, if you like, you can further leverage Core Data. Represent student schedules with NSManagedObjects and let NSPersistentDocument handle loading and saving the contexts. You get a lot of useful functionality, such as undo–redo, for free.


09-02 05:56