有什么方法可以向 Windows 资源管理器上下文菜单中添加一个项目,使我能够在当前选定的文件夹中创建一个新的 vs2010 解决方案?
Is there any way to add an item to the Windows Explorer context menu that will enable me to create a new vs2010 solution in the currently selected folder?
It doesn't look like this has been answered. Here is what I found that will do just as you ask:
I find it easier to create blank solutions using the right-click context menu because of the way I want to organize my file structure. Once I have a blank solution, I open it and add projects to it. This method gives me more control and is easier to manage.
未完成...然后浏览到 C:\Windows\ShellNew 并创建一个名为 Visual Studio Solution.sln 的新文件,使用这样的文本编辑器编辑它:
not finished...then browse to C:\Windows\ShellNew and create a new file named Visual Studio Solution.sln edit it with a text editor like this:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
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