

Sitecore版本:Sitecore 7.2

Sitecore Version: Sitecore 7.2


I have an control that queries web index to get item, but when new items are added or old items are edited, the changes won't show on page.


  • 在网络中禁用htmlcache .config

  • 重新发布项目并转到Web数据库以确保它们位于Web中。

  • 重建Web索引并使用相同的查询(来自搜索)。 log)中以检查查询结果

  • 使用/sitecore/admin/cache.aspx工具清除缓存

  • 在IIS中回收AppPool(仅此操作)

  • Disable htmlcache in web.config
  • Republish items and go to web database to make sure they are in web
  • Rebuild web index and use the same query (from search.log) in Luke to check the query result
  • Clear cache using /sitecore/admin/cache.aspx tool
  • Recycle AppPool in IIS (only this worked)


The items are in web database and web index, just won't appear on page unless I recycle AppPool.



Per previous comments, you need to rule out IIS caching. This can be Kernel-mode caching and regular output caching. It can also be compression. If you have configured compression and identified the MIME type as static then IIS will create a compressed copy of the file in a temp dir.


Remember that items are also (potentially) cached, not just HTML. So you should disable all caching in all the various locations in config. Use the Caching Configuration Reference and Optimizing Performance documents from the SDN and work backwards.

您可以使用Sitecore的缓存统计信息页面查看组件是否被缓存(位于子布局/渲染级别) http://mysite/sitecore/admin/cache.aspx 。尝试点击那里的重置按钮并重新加载页面。

You can use Sitecore's cache stats page to see if the components are being cached or not (at a sublayout/rendering level) http://mysite/sitecore/admin/cache.aspx. Try hitting the reset button there and reloading your page.


There are lots of caching levels in Sitecore.


09-02 05:50