I'm observing NSWorkspaceDidDeactivateApplicationNotification notification to get the application that has just lost focus. I'm ending up with an instance of NSRunningApplication which you get from the userInfo dictionary key - NSWorkspaceApplicationKey - of the notification object.
I was thinking that I'd be able to get the main window from the app from the notification but I'm not sure where to go from here as NSRunningApplication seems to pretty limited. Any help would be appreciated.
BTW - I'm using MacRuby but the answer doesn't need to be in MacRuby.
Apple一直以来都对这种事情颇为拘束. NSRunningApplication本身是在10.6中引入的,正如您所说的,它有点受限制.根据您要执行的操作,答案可能在可访问性框架,或者它可能是 CGWindow API .您可以使用NSRunningApplication中的processIdentifier将其与这些API匹配.
Apple has traditionally been pretty locked-down about this sort of thing. NSRunningApplication itself was just introduced in 10.6, and as you said, it's a bit limited. Depending on what you want to do, the answer might be in the Accessibility framework or it might be the CGWindow API. You can use the processIdentifier from the NSRunningApplication to match it up with those APIs.