

我正在做一个OS X程序,用户在WebView中做一些光WYSIWYG HTML编辑。作为新的Cocoa和WebKit编程,我绝对不知道如何从WebView获取选定的文本 - 意图是采取用户选择,在文本周围添加HTML代码(如div或span),并替换所选的文本与修改后的代码。这是如何实现的?

I'm working on a OS X program where the user does some light WYSIWYG HTML editing in a WebView. Being new to programming with Cocoa and WebKit, I have absolutely no idea how to get selected text from a WebView - the intention being to take what the user selected, add HTML code (like div's or span's) around the text, and replace the selected text with the modified code. How can this be accomplished?


I'm currently programming this project with MacRuby, but I'd appreciate help from Objective-C programmers as well. Thank you!


您可以要求 WebView code> -selectedDOMRange ,你会得到一个 DOMRange 对象。您可以使用此对象来查找所选内容。 DOMRange 像所有WebKit DOM对象一样,是一个标准W3C DOMRange对象的Objective-C表示,参见 DOMRange.h

You can ask for the WebView's -selectedDOMRange and you'll get a DOMRange object back. You can use this object to find out what is selected. DOMRange, like all WebKit DOM objects, is an Objective-C representation of a standard W3C DOMRange object, see DOMRange.h for what methods/properties it supports.

然后,您可以使用 -replaceSelectionWithMarkupString:替换当前选择, -replaceSelectionWithText: -replaceSelectionWithNode: WebView 的方法。

You can then replace the current selection using the -replaceSelectionWithMarkupString:, -replaceSelectionWithText: or -replaceSelectionWithNode: methods of WebView.


09-02 05:36