




I'm new to this forum and I have searched but not found any answers to this problem which has been puzzling me for best part of this week.


An NSTextField causes a memory leak every time a key is pressed.


I have isolated this problem from my code and it can be reproduced as follows:

  • 创建一个新的可可应用"项目.
  • 在主菜单xib窗口中放置一个NSTextfield. (无约束力,插座或动作)
  • 产品->配置文件,选择内存泄漏"工具(在XCode 4中)


No leaks until the user enters a character in the text field.I get 8 leaked NSCFString objects of 32bytes of the following types:

Library     Responsible Caller
0     CFString     Malloc     00:11.524.538     1     0x100130bb0     32     AppKit     -[NSEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers]
1     CFString     Malloc     00:11.622.145     1     0x100136950     32     AppKit     -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]


Please note that this project has no code other than the auto generated stuff.


I would be interested if anyone else can reproduce this problem and maybe even offer a suggestion how to prevent it from occuring.

带有XCode 4.0.2的OS X 10.6.8(与3.2.6发生相同的问题)

OS X 10.6.8 with XCode 4.0.2 (same problem occurs with with 3.2.6)


Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated and would decrease my current level of frustration.


在不同的Mac上尝试了上面的项目创建.发现其中一个不产生泄漏(使用与上述相同的过程来创建项目)在从未安装XCode的Mac上安装了XCode 4-没有泄漏!

Tried the above project creation on different macs.Found that one of them produces no leaks (using the same procedure as above to create project)Installed XCode 4 on a mac that never had XCode installed - no leaks!


  • 删除了同一MPro上的HDD,安装了OS X 10.6,软件更新为10.6.8
  • 已安装XCode4
  • 创建了与上述相同的测试项目



It is now clear that the root of this problem is somewhere in the installation and not just a "False Positive" of Instruments. My profile runs were executed multiple times so there is being a one-off and the behaviour was 100% re-producable on my macs.


Problem now: I still have a 27" iMac where HDD erase is not an option.I'm guessing that there is something installed (Framework?) that doesn't get updated/deleted when upgrading or reinstalling XCode.


Your ideas on the cause of this issue are greatly appreciated.



This is almost certainly a false positive. The Leaks instrument is not infallible, and it may mark some things as a leak when they are not (singletons are a common example), see my answer to this question.


I suspect that are seeing here is the creation of the field editor, which is created once for each window containing at least one text field cell. It is lazily created so will only be instantiated when required, i.e. when text editing begins. It is then re-used for all text field editing in that window and is not deallocated until the window goes away. This is exactly the sort of behaviour that can trigger false positives in the Leaks instrument.


Common objects such as NSTextField are extremely unlikely to have major memory leaks. They have been very thoroughly tested and do not change much if at all between OS versions.


09-02 05:34