

我的问题是,在文章中有一个 section ,我创建了一个flexbox,当我减小浏览器的大小时,该flexbox中的这三个元素将交叠.有提示吗?

My issue is that I have a section within the article that I made a flexbox, and when I reduce the size of the browser those 3 elements in that flexbox will overlap. Any tips?

body {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
header {
  background: blue;
main {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  flex: auto;
article {
  flex: 2;
  overflow-y: auto;
  background: red;
aside {
  flex: 1;
  overflow-y: auto;
  background: green;
.test {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  flex: auto;
  align-items: stretch;
  background: pink;
      <section class="test">
          div one
        div two
          div three



尝试将 flex-wrap:wrap 添加到flex容器中.弹性项目默认情况下不会自动包装.

Try adding flex-wrap: wrap to the flex container. Flex items do not wrap by default.

参考您的网站(我没有使用您的小提琴演示(具有不同的代码),每个非包装元素都是< section> 的子元素>< section class ="other"> ,这是行方向的,启用包装的Flex容器.

In reference to your website (I didn't use your fiddle demo, which has different code), each of the non-wrapping elements is a <section> child of <section class="other">, which is a row-direction, wrap-enabled flex container.

每个< section> flex项目都应用了 flex:1 .转换为:

Each <section> flex item has a flex: 1 applied. This translates to:

  • flex-grow:1
  • 弯曲收缩:1
  • flex-basis:0

flex-basis 设置为零的情况下,flex项的初始主尺寸为0,并且宽度可以缩小到该程度,因此没有机会包装.

With flex-basis set to zero, the initial main size of the flex item is 0, and the width could shrink to that degree, so there's no opportunity to wrap.

我建议将 flex-basis:0 更改为 flex-basis:calc(33%-2em)(即宽度减去大约边距,边框),填充),以适应更大的屏幕.所以 flex:1 1 calc(33%-2em).

I would suggest changing flex-basis: 0 to something like flex-basis: calc(33% - 2em) (i.e., width minus approx. margin, border, padding), for wider screens. So flex: 1 1 calc(33% - 2em).

然后对于较小的屏幕,使用媒体查询,将 flex-basis 设置为类似以下内容:

And then for smaller screens, using a media query, set flex-basis to something like:

@media screen and ( max-width: 500px ) {
    .fitness, .education, .pastimes {
        flex-basis: 100%;
        display: flex; /* optional; for nicer alignment */
        flex-direction: column;  /* optional; for nicer alignment */ }

或者,如果您想避免使用媒体查询,则可以将固定值设置为 flex-basis ,这也将启用自动换行.像 flex这样的东西:1 0 200px .

Alternatively, if you wanted to avoid using media queries, you could set a fixed value to flex-basis which would enable wrap, as well. Something like flex: 1 0 200px.


09-02 05:23