我想在Ubuntu 12.04上安装NodeJS版本0.8.18.我尝试安装最新版本,然后使用nvm
I would like to install NodeJS version 0.8.18 on Ubuntu 12.04. I tried to install the newest version and then reverting to 0.8.18 by using nvm
, but when I run my code apparently there is some problem with the packages installed and the two versions (latest and 0.8.18). Since I don't know how to solve that problem, I cleaned the machine from the Node installation and thought about installing directly the version I'm interested in (v0.8.18).
Chris Lea的ppa回购中有0.8.23.
Chris Lea has 0.8.23 in his ppa repo.
此软件包可让您将存储库添加到apt-get :(您也可以手动执行此操作)
This package let you add a repository to apt-get: (You can also do this manually)
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
添加Chris Lea的存储库:
Add Chris Lea's repository:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js-legacy
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs=0.8.23-1chl1~precise1
I think (feel free to edit) the version number is optional if you only add node.js-legacy. If you add both legacy and ppa/chris-lea/node.js you most likely need to add the version.