

所有的重构工具的C#和VB.Net,我已经看到只考虑单一的Visual Studio解决方案的源代码。

All the refactoring tools for C# and VB.Net that I have seen only consider the source code in a single visual studio solution.


For better or worse, our large (many related programs) system is spread over many solution files, however:

  • 所有的代码如下一个单一的Windows文件夹。

  • 我们的恶性基础构建系统,建立在Windows文件夹中的所有文件来生成一个DLL(有点复杂,然后这一点,但对于这个问题并不重要)。

  • 因此ALL的.cs和单根目录下的.vb文件是系统的一部分。


So I am looking for refactoring and reverse engineering tools that take a single folder as input and act on all files below that folder.


(The tools may need some help to decide what "public" and "internal" means, however most of the time "internal" means "in the same code tree" when a "code tree" is a folder that contains code and any child folders.)

现在我贪婪,我想的工具创造了很多所有已完成,并能够重放的重构功能重构。然后,我可以尝试一下理想的,如果他们的工作,扔掉我的代码,获取最新的代码,你做的重构和签入代码之前,任何人都改变了文件。 (同样,对于何时分支需要合并)

Now I am being greedy, I would like the tools to create a lot of all the refactorings that have been done and to be able to replay the refactorings. Then I could try out ideal and if they work, throw away my code, get the latest code, you do the refactorings and checkin the code before anyone else changes the files. (Likewise for when branches need merging)



In the past I have done what Pratik has suggested and pulled all projects into a single solution just for the purposes of refactoring. Then personally I would use Resharper every time.


09-02 04:52