

我是angular2的新手,我正在尝试从angular2上传一个excel 前端.我确切要实现的是从angular2上传excel 前端将其传递给后端的Springboot,在springboot里面,我将做 进行必要的更改.最后将其传递回角度以在屏幕上呈现.

Hi I am new to angular2 and I am trying to upload an excel from an angular2 frontend .What exactly I want to achieve is , upload the excel from angular2 frontend pass it to Springboot in backend ,inside springboot I will make necessary changes .Finally pass it back to angular to render it on screen .

My Approach :
let user select the excel from frontend
POST it to springboot backend , make necessary modification using apache POI
Finally pass it to angular again to render it on screen .

Problem Area :-

I have made the frontend part to recieve input

below is my code :-

     <input type="file" id="myfile" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="fileObj" (change)="upload($event)" accept=".xlsx">

Angular Component method to called on change of element :-

    file: File
    upload(event : EventTarget){

    let eventObj : MSInputMethodContext = <MSInputMethodContext> event ;
    let target : HTMLInputElement = <HTMLInputELement>  eventObj.target ;
    let files : FileList = target.files ;
    this.file = files[0];


above functions calls the sendFile method in appservice of angular2

below is the code for appService :-

    private headers = new Headers({'Content-Type' : 'multipart/form-data'});

    sendFile(fileObj : File){
    return this.http.post('http://localhost:9000/submitexcel', fileObj, {headers : this.headers}).map(res => res.json().data).subscribe();


Springboot Controller接收传入的文件.

Springboot Controller to recieve the incoming file .

public class ExcelUploadController {

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST , value="/submitexcel")
public ResponseEntity<String> getFile(@RequestParam("File") MultipartFile file){
System.out.println("inside controller");


whenever I make a call to controller , I get error on console :-


"the request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found "


Now below are my problem questions :-

  1. 我没有将excel文件正确发送到springboot吗?否则,请告诉我正确的方法


2.Is my approach correct to achieve what is required ?


3.How will I send the excel back from springboot to angular to display on Frontend ??


I tried googling a lot about this, but could not find anything useful


Please help me ,I am stuck since many days , thanks


最有可能的问题是您明确指定了Content-Type,尝试使用{'Content-Type' : undefined},这将使浏览器确定正确的Content-Type

Most likely the problem is that you're explicitly specifying the Content-Type, try {'Content-Type' : undefined}, this will let the browser determine the proper Content-Type


I don't see anything wrong with the approach. As for how the your client is going to receive the modified excel back then you'll either have to respond with the excel for that same request that submitted the excel or you'll have to let your server serve the excel file on another callback.


09-02 04:39