



我无法在 Eclipse 下让我的 Android 项目之一在模拟器中正确运行,所以我想看看手动编译它是否可行.我已经完成了执行 android update project 的步骤,但是我现在对使用 Ant 感到茫然,尤其是因为 Ant 所做的一半似乎是使用位于 Android 中的某些构建脚本完成的SDK目录.如何使用 Ant 排除文件/目录并包含库?

I am having trouble getting one of my Android projects under Eclipse to run correctly in the emulator, so I am seeing if manually compiling it will work. I have gone through the steps of performing android update project, but I am now at a loss with using Ant, especially since it seems that half of what Ant does is done with certain build scripts located in the Android SDK directory. How do I exclude files/directories and include libraries using Ant?

另外,什么是我可以用作 Ant 教程的好资源?

Also, what's a good resource that I could use as a tutorial for Ant?


  • 官方文档
  • Ant Android
  • 此博客发布于ant 建立在 android 上
  • Linux 杂志文章
  • moar 博客
    • Official Documentation
    • Ant Android
    • This blogs post on ant builds on android
    • Linux magazine article
    • moar blogs
    • 这篇关于我想手动编译一个Android项目,但我不知道如何使用Ant的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 04:30