在当前的 Angular 6 应用程序中,订阅了 observable(来自 RESTful 服务的响应)
In current Angular 6 application there is a subscribe to observable (response from RESTful service)
this.activatedRoute.data.subscribe(({bag}) => {
this.bag= bag;
the subscription is waiting response from resolver
providedIn: 'root'
export class BagResolver implements Resolve<Bag> {
constructor(private service: BagService) {}
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
const id = route.params['id'] ? route.params['id'] : null;
if (id) {
const existingBag = this.service.find(id).pipe(map((bag: HttpResponse<Bag>) => bag.body));
return existingBag;
return of(new Bag());
Ran a debug mode I found bag is an object with follow structure
body{id:10, name:aName, ...}, <-- this is the actual bag object
所以订阅中的 bag
并不是真正的 bag 对象,而是看起来像一个 http 响应,它将 bag 对象包裹在其主体中
So bag
in the subscription is not really a bag object but looks like a http response which wrapped the bag object in its body
现在我真的想从上面的对象中提取 body
Now I really want to extract the body
from above object and cast to local object
那么如何安全地提取数据并从 subscribe(...) 返回的上面转换对象?
So then how to safely extract the data and cast the object from above return from subscribe(...)?
我怀疑这个对象是一个 来自 Spring 的 ResponseEntity 而不是来自 angular 的 HttpResponse. 告诉是statusCodeValue
这不是 Angular 的 HttpResponse 的属性.如果您正在序列化spring ResponseEntitys并将它们作为响应发送并观察响应body
I suspect that this object is a ResponseEntity from Spring and not a HttpResponse from angular. The tell is statusCodeValue
which is not a property of angular's HttpResponse. If you are serializing spring ResponseEntitys and sending them as the response AND observing the response body
(indirectly or directly—which all appear true here), you need to create a similar interface in the front-end and use it in your service:
interface ResponseEntity<T> {
headers: { [headerName: string]: string },
body: T,
statusCode: "OK" | "SERVER_ERROR" | "BAD_REQUEST", //etc
statusCodeValue: "200" | "500" | "400" | "404" //etc
import { ResponseEntity } from "./dir/dir/file";
class BagService {
constructor(http: HttpClient) {}
find(id: string): Observable<Bag> {
return this.http.get<ResponseEntity<Bag>>(`/bag/${id}`).pipe(
map(resp => resp.body)