我需要同时运行 6个API调用,并且需要在相应请求完成后为每个API更新UI
I need to run 6 API calls Simultaneously and need to update the UI for each when corresponding request finishes
当前,我正在使用 kotlin协程并行执行 ,并使用以下代码
Currently I am using kotlin coroutines parallel execution using the following code
suspend fun getAllData() : List<String>{
return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
lateinit var getObject1Task: Deferred<Response<String>>
lateinit var getObject2Task: Deferred<Response<String>>
lateinit var getObject3Task: Deferred<Response<String>>
lateinit var getObject4Task: Deferred<Response<String>>
lateinit var getObject5Task: Deferred<Response<String>>
lateinit var getObjec6Task: Deferred<Response<String>>
launch {
getObject1Task = dataApiService.getData()
getObject2Task = dataApiService.getData()
getObject3Task = dataApiService.getData()
getObject4Task = dataApiService.getData()
getObject5Task = dataApiService.getData()
getObject6Task = dataApiService.getData()
var stringList = ArrayList<String >()
stringList.add(getObject1Task.await().body()!!) /// add All to the list
我无法找到一种方法来在API完成后立即获取每个字符串的数据.我还尝试了 LiveData ,但是有些方法是有意义的.
I am unable to find a way a way to get data for each string as soon as that API finishes.I also tried LiveData but some how that was making any sense.
Each String has no link with the other so it not essential to add all strings in a list
Using coroutines, there are multiple ways to achieve this. Here are 2 examples:
- 使用 launch 而不返回值,并直接从中更新UI在协程中,一旦字符串准备就绪.
- 类似于您的方法,您还可以使用 async ,等待将来的响应返回值,然后更新UI.
- Use launch without returning a value and directly update UI fromwithin the coroutine, once the string is ready.
- Similar to your approach, you can also use async, wait for thefuture response return value and then update UI.
When updating UI elements from within a coroutine, you should use Dispatchers.Main as coroutine context.
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
repeat(6){index ->
val id = resources.getIdentifier("tv${index+1}", "id", packageName)
val textView = findViewById<TextView>(id)
repeat(6){ index ->
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) { // launch coroutine in the main thread
val apiResponseTime = Random.nextInt(1000, 10000)
textViews[index].text = apiResponseTime.toString()
注意:在这里,字符串准备就绪后,每个TextView都会立即更新,而不会阻塞主线程.我在LinearLayout中使用了6个示例TextView,它们的ID为"tv1","tv2" ...
Note:Here, every TextView gets updated as soon as the string is ready, without blocking the main thread.I used 6 example TextViews in a LinearLayout with IDs "tv1", "tv2"...
示例2:使用并行async + await(),在完成所有作业(与您的作业类似)后更新UI
Here we are launching 6 async in parallel and add the results to the list as soon as they are ready. When the last result is added, we return the list and update the TextViews in a loop.
val textViews = mutableListOf<TextView>()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
repeat(6){index ->
val id = resources.getIdentifier("tv${index+1}", "id", packageName)
val textView = findViewById<TextView>(id)
// note: again we use Dispatchers.Main context to update UI
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
val strings = updateUIElementAfterThisFinishes()
repeat(6){index ->
textViews[index].text = strings[index]
// for API calls we use Dispatchers.IO context, this function will finish at 10 seconds or less
suspend fun updateUIElementAfterThisFinishes(): List<String> = withContext(Dispatchers.IO){
val strings = mutableListOf<String>()
val jobs = Array(6){GlobalScope.async {
val apiResponseTime = Random.nextInt(1000, 10000)
jobs.forEach {
return@withContext strings