

如何创建子组件的父组件内,使用的 Angular2 的事后在视图中显示它们?如何确保注射剂被正确注射到子组件?

How to create child components inside a parent component and display them in the view afterwards using Angular2? How to make sure the injectables are injected correctly into the child components?

import {Component, View, bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {ChildComponent} from './ChildComponent';

    selector: 'parent'
  template: `
      <h1>the children:</h1>
      <!-- ??? three child views shall be inserted here ??? -->
  directives: [ChildComponent]
class ParentComponent {

        children: ChildComponent[];

        constructor() {
            // when creating the children, their constructors
            // shall still be called with the injectables.
            // E.g. constructor(childName:string, additionalInjectable:SomeInjectable)
            children.push(new ChildComponent("Child A"));
            children.push(new ChildComponent("Child B"));
            children.push(new ChildComponent("Child C"));
            // How to create the components correctly?


我找到了 DynamicComponentLoader 中的。但我得到以下错误,当下面的例子:有元素0无活力的组成部分指令


I found the DynamicComponentLoader in the API docs preview. But I get the following error when following the example: There is no dynamic component directive at element 0



This is generally not the approach I would take. Instead I would rely on databinding against an array that will render out more child components as objects are added to the backing array. Essentially child components wrapped in an ng-for


I have an example here that is similar in that it renders a dynamic list of children. Not 100% the same, but seems like the concept is still the same:



09-02 03:51