本文介绍了在手动更改检测方面,Angular Ivy特别允许我们做什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




I think it was already possible to run an application without zone.js prior to Ivy. Does Ivy allow to semi-manually handle change detection? Where are those experimental APIs? Any doc? Does Ivy still use zone.js?


My goal is to limit change detections to a minimum by triggering them manually. What is the best option to do that. Specifically what is the best option when using Ivy.



That's a huge topic to cover here, but I'll try to answer.


The idea is actually rendering components without declaring them inside any module.


Why would we wanna do something like that?It simple - Modules are much more than just components. Modules have zones, providers, injectors, DI, and much more. Modules for a lot of us represent applications. And sometimes we just want to create a simple component and render it in another component.


What's the problem it will cause?Modules are the one who sets up zones for us. Zones are the ones who trigger change detection automatically. If we will render a component outside a module, we won't have automatic change detection.


So, with Ivy, we have a few new APIS that can help us:


ɵrenderComponent() - That can render a component without declaring it in a module.

ɵdetectChanges(); -要手动触发更改检测,但这只是 @ angular/core 中的一个函数,您不再需要DI即可注入 ChangeDetectorRef

ɵdetectChanges(); - To trigger change detection manually, but, it's just a function from @angular/core and you don't need the DI any more to inject the ChangeDetectorRef


ɵmarkDirty() - To mark the component to check in the next change detection cycle.


ɵɵdirectiveInject() - Inject an InjectionToken in a matter of function, without using the constructor.


If you asking what is this ɵ sign that prefix all those new APIs, that means those functions are still experimental and you shouldn't use them for production yet. And that's also why they are not documented.

对于您的问题-如果您想最大程度地减少组件中CD的使用,只需使用 renderComponent 函数呈现它们,然后自己处理CD.

For your question - if you want to minimize the use of CD in your components, just render them with renderComponent function, and handle CD by yourself.


If you want to read more, I wrote a complete blog post exactly about this topic, including a lot of code examples. You can find it here - "The future of standalone components in post Ivy release days"

我还在NG-DE 2019中进行了讨论-" Bye Bye NgModules "

I also gave a talk about it in NG-DE 2019 - "Bye Bye NgModules"

这篇关于在手动更改检测方面,Angular Ivy特别允许我们做什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 03:14