I've already asked the similar question here: stackoverflow.com/questions/42674096/how-to-make-a-pipe-with-regex-in-angular2/
Now, I did try the following from the given answer:
import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({name:'regMatch'}) export class RegMatch implements PipeTransform { transform(value: string, arg?: any): any { let targetMatched = $('div.poll').text(); // console.log(targetMatched ); let reg = new RegExp(/\((.+?)\)/); let result: any; do { let matched:any = result; console.log(matched); } while((result = reg.exec(target)) !== null) } }
发生的事情是,当我将管道| regMatch放入时,循环使浏览器崩溃.
What happens is, when I put this pipe | regMatch the loop crashes the browser.
我该如何解决?如何匹配(a) (b) (c)或类似的内容,然后说BOLD $('div.poll').text();
How can I solve this? How can I match the (a) (b) (c) or similar and then let's say BOLD the $('div.poll').text();
You are running a loop with a regex that does not contain a /g (global modifier). That means, that each time your regex finds a match, the lastIndex property will not change, and during the next iteration, the same match will be found, and so on and so forth, causing an infinite loop.
请参阅MDN上的 String#exec文档:
See String#exec documentation at MDN:
let reg = /\([^)]+\)/g;
它将匹配所有 个出现的(,然后匹配除)之外的1个以上字符,然后匹配一个).
It will match all occurrences of (, then 1+ chars other than ) and then a ).