

我有输入,其中 google autoComplete 已连接。

当用户在 seachResults 中上下移动时,输入的值会通过JavaScript动态更改。

When the user moves up and down through the seachResultsthe value of the input is changed dynamically via JavaScript.


I'd like to capture the value that is in the input at any given time.

我试过 onChange onInput 但是从那以后没有事件被触发,并且 DOM节点未设置 - 没有更新。

I've tried onChange and onInput but since no event is getting fired, and the value of the DOM Node is not getting set - there are no updates.


How do you detect changes to the input that are dynamically updated via JavaScript?


.value attribute 只有在脚本编写者调用 setAttribute('value'来设置新值时才会改变,这是一个非常在几乎所有情况下,我都希望通过直接分配到属性来设置值,例如:

The .value attribute will only change if the script-writer has called setAttribute('value' to set the new value, which is quite an odd thing to do. In almost all situations, I would expect the value to be set by assigning to the value property directly, eg:

input.value = 'foo';

调用 setAttribute 确实会在已检查的DOM 属性中显示更改,例如:

Calling setAttribute will indeed show a change in the inspected DOM attribute, eg:

<input value="somevalue">
const input = document.querySelector('input');
input.setAttribute('value', 'foo');

但只是分配给元素的 .value 属性不会导致这样的更改:

But just assigning to the .value property of the element will not result in such a change:

const input = document.querySelector('input');
input.value = 'foo';

分配给 .value 实际上在 HTMLInputElement.prototype 上调用 setter函数

Assigning to the .value actually invokes a setter function on HTMLInputElement.prototype:


您可以通过直接在元素本身上使用getter / setter value 来设置 shadow 调用您自己的函数,允许您监听更改:

You can shadow this by putting a getter/setter for value directly on the element itself, with the setter invoking your own function, allowing you to listen for changes:

const { get, set } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value');
const input = document.querySelector('input');
Object.defineProperty(input, 'value', {
  get() {
    return get.call(this);
  set(newVal) {
    console.log('New value assigned to input: ' + newVal);
    return set.call(this, newVal);

// example of autocomplete trying to change the input value:
input.value = 'foo';


09-02 02:00