






 <! -  Selector-- > 


$ results = $ database-> Selector();
echo< form name ='form'method ='POST'id ='selector'>;
echo< select name ='train_name'id ='train_name'multiple ='multiple'>;


foreach($ results as $ res){
echo< option value = 。 $ res ['train_name']。 > 中。 $ res ['train_name']。 < /选项> 中;

echo< / select>;
回声< br /> 。 < TD> 中。 < input type ='submit'name ='Add'value ='添加到列表'/> 。 < / TD> 中;
回声< / form>;

if(isset($ _ POST [train_name])){


$ results = $ database-> getAllAssoc();


< div id =train_select_table>
< form name =selectormethod =postaction =customer_list.php?user_id =<?php
echo $ _SESSION ['user_id']?>>
< table>
< tr>
列车名称< / th>
转向架的数量< / th>
轴的数量< / th>
< th>删除< / th>
< th>更多资讯< / th>
< th>检查< / th>
<! - < th> XML< / th>
< th> SQL< / th> - >
< / tr>
< div id =looprow>
foreach($ results as $ res){


?> ;
< tr>
< td name =train_name><?php
echo $ res ['train_name']?>< / td>
< td><?php
echo $ res ['number_of_bogies']?>< / td>
< td><?php
echo $ res ['number_of_axles']?>< / td>
< td>< a href =remove_from_table.php?train_id =<?php
echo $ res ['train_id']?>>删除< / a>< TD>
< td>< a href =expand_info.php?train_id =<?php
echo $ res ['train_id']?>>更多信息< / a>< / TD>
< td>< input type =checkboxname =checkboxvalue =<?php
echo $ res ['train_id']?>>< / td> ;
<! - < td>< a href =convert_to_xml.php?train_id =<?php
echo $ res ['train_id']?>> XML<一个>< / TD>
< td>< a href =convert_to_sql.php?train_id =<?php
echo $ res ['train_id']?>> SQL< / a>< TD> - >
< / tr>

< / div>
< / table>< br />
< input name =Add to listtype =submitid =add_to_listvalue =add_to_list>
< / form>
< / div>



$ sql =SELECT * FROM train_information WHERE train_name =:train_name;
$ sth = $ this-> pdo-> prepare($ sql);
$ sth-> bindParam(:train_name,$ _POST [train_name]);
$ sth-> execute();
return $ sth-> fetchAll();

function select(){
$ sql =SELECT train_name,train_id FROM train_information;
$ sth = $ this-> pdo-> prepare($ sql);
$ sth-> execute();
return $ sth-> fetchAll();

当我检查检查按钮并按添加列出。你会去 customer_list.php 。在这个页面上,我想显示所选项目的信息。

echo $ _POST [checkbox];

这给我看一个数字(当我选择一个物品时),这是火车/物品的ID 。

另外,如果我在表格中有多个列车,例如10.我只选择7并按下按钮。我希望下一页 customer_list.php 显示那些特定的7个结果。

 < td>< input type =checkboxname = checkbox []value =<?php echo $ res ['train_id']?>>< / td> 


<$ p $ <?php

function getAllAssoc_id($ id){
$ sql =SELECT * FROM train_information WHERE id =:id;
$ sth = $ this-> pdo-> prepare($ sql);
$ sth-> bindParam(:id,$ id);
$ sth-> execute();
return $ sth-> fetchAll();

// echo $ _POST [checkbox];

echo< table>< tr>< td> Train Name< / td>< td> Train Id< / td>< / tr>;
foreach($ _ POST [checkbox] as $ key => $ val){
$ data = getAllAssoc_id($ val);
echo< tr>< td>。$ data ['train_name']。< / td>< td>。$ data ['id']。< / td> < / TR>中;

echo< / table;

I have a selector wich gets data from my Database.

When i select 1 item and press Add to list, it generates a table:

the code for this all is:


// Get name and id data from the db. In an assoc array

$results = $database->Selector();
echo "<form name='form' method='POST' id='selector'>";
echo "<select name='train_name' id='train_name' multiple='multiple'>";

// Loop trough the results and make an option of every train_name

foreach($results as $res) {
    echo "<option value=" . $res['train_name'] . ">" . $res['train_name'] . "</option>";

echo "</select>";
echo "<br />" . "<td>" . "<input type='submit' name='Add' value='Add to list'/>" . "</td>";
echo "</form>";

if (isset($_POST["train_name"])) {

    // Get all data from database, in an assoc array

    $results = $database->getAllAssoc();

    // Make table headers

            <div id="train_select_table">
            <form name="selector" method="post" action="customer_list.php?user_id=<?php
    echo $_SESSION['user_id'] ?>">
                        <th>Train name</th>
                        <th>Number of bogies</th>
                        <th>Number of axles</th>
                        <th>More info</th>
                    <!--Only for admins (later!)-->
                        <th>SQL</th>    -->
                <div id="looprow">
    foreach($results as $res) {

        // Loop trough results, generate a tablerow every time

                        <td name="train_name"><?php
        echo $res['train_name'] ?></td>
        echo $res['number_of_bogies'] ?></td>
        echo $res['number_of_axles'] ?></td>
                        <td><a href="remove_from_table.php?train_id=<?php
        echo $res['train_id'] ?>">Delete</a></td>
                        <td><a href="expand_info.php?train_id=<?php
        echo $res['train_id'] ?>">More Information</a></td>
                        <td><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="<?php
        echo $res['train_id'] ?>"></td>
                                                    <!--Only for admins (later!)-->
                        <!--<td><a href="convert_to_xml.php?train_id=<?php
        echo $res['train_id'] ?>">XML</a></td>
                        <td><a href="convert_to_sql.php?train_id=<?php
        echo $res['train_id'] ?>">SQL</a></td>-->

            </table><br />
            <input name="Add to list" type="submit" id="add_to_list" value="add_to_list">



    function getAllAssoc() {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM train_information WHERE train_name = :train_name";
            $sth = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
            $sth->bindParam(":train_name", $_POST["train_name"]);
            return $sth->fetchAll();

    function selector() {
            $sql = "SELECT train_name, train_id FROM train_information";
            $sth = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
            return $sth->fetchAll();

When i Check the check button, and press Add to list . You will go to customer_list.php . On this page i want to show the information of the selected item. What i have right now is:

    echo $_POST["checkbox"];

This shows me a number (when i selected a item) wich is the ID of the train/item.

But how do i show all the information of the selected checkbox?Also if i have multiple trains in the table, for example 10. And i only select 7 and press the button. i want the next page customer_list.php to show those specific 7 results.


You need to edit checkbox code as :

<td><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="<?php echo $res['train_id']?>"></td>

customer_list.php code:


function getAllAssoc_id($id) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM train_information WHERE id = :id";
        $sth = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
        $sth->bindParam(":id", $id);
        return $sth->fetchAll();

    //echo $_POST["checkbox"];

    echo"<table><tr><td>Train Name</td><td>Train Id</td></tr>";
    foreach($_POST["checkbox"] as $key=>$val){



09-02 01:43