

本文介绍了与仅使用angular 2路由器相比,了解ngrx路由器存储项目的目的的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我指的是 router-store ngrx项目(( ).


I am not clear how to use this project...


For instance let's take the following sample from the project documentation:

store.dispatch(go(['/path', { routeParam: 1 }], { query: 'string' }));


Is this meant to be use as a replacement to the angular 2 router: router.navigate(['/path...?

...还是仅在某些情况下才应使用ngrx路由器存储? (如果是这样的话?)

...or should I use the ngrx router-store only in certain circumstances? (if so which ones?)

当有角度的2个路由器html链接时,例如ngrx路由器存储也会发生什么情况. <a routerLink="/heroes"被点击了吗?

Also what happens to the ngrx router-store when a angular 2 router html link e.g. <a routerLink="/heroes" is clicked?


More generally, can someone please explain what is achieved by the ngrx router-store project as compared to using the plain angular 2 router?


Or to rephrase, what does ngrx router-store brings in addition to the angular 2 router?

编辑:有关ngrx的信息和示例的有趣来源当然是ngrx example-app( ).

Edit: An interesting source of information and samples about ngrx is of course the ngrx example-app (


I found a dependency to the router-store there but I have not been able to find where the router-store is used within the app...


FYI, here is the comment to be found in the example app about the router store:


@ngrx/router-store 存在,因此商店有可能成为单一来源表示应用程序的路由状态.

The @ngrx/router-store exists so that it's possible for the store to be the single source of truth for an application's routing state.

没有它,将存在应用程序状态-当前路由-商店中未显示.这意味着无法使用 DevTools 进行时间调试,因为商店中没有代表路线的状态,也没有代表路线变化的动作.

Without it, there would be application state - the current route - not represented in the store. That means time-travel debugging using the DevTools would not be possible, as there would be no state in the store representing the route and there would be no actions representing route changes.


The router-store does not replace the Angular router; it just wires up listeners for routing actions and for the router itself.

当您使用发出路由操作时go动作创建者router-store会听到包含指定路径的"[Router] Go"动作,然后调用相应的路由器方法.当router-store从路由器听到-路由已更改时,它发出表示路由更改的"[Router] Update Location"操作,并且该操作看到更新的存储中的路由器状态.

When you emit a routing action using the go action creator, a "[Router] Go" action containing the specifed path is heard by the router-store which then calls the corresponding router method. When the router-store hears - from the router - that the route has changed it emits a "[Router] Update Location" action representing the route change and that action sees the router state in the store updated.

如果使用routerLink而不是使用go动作创建器来实现路由更改,则router-store将听到更改并发出"[Router] Update Location"动作,该动作将看到商店的路由器状态已更新

If, instead of using the go action creator, a routerLink is used to effect a route change, router-store will hear the change and will emit a "[Router] Update Location" action that will see the store's router state updated.


So, whether the route is changed via actions or more traditional links, the store always contains the router state.

使用"[Router] Update Location"动作表示路由更改,您可以通过DevTools撤消所述路由更改-如果商店中未显示路由器状态,则无法实现.

With the "[Router] Update Location" actions representing route changes, you can undo said route changes via the DevTools - something that would not be possible if the router state were not represented in the store.

如果您尚未使用Redux DevTools,建议您将它们检出:

If you've not used the Redux DevTools, I would recommend you check them out:

  • Redux DevTools Extension
  • @ngrx/store-devtools
  • @ngrx/store-log-monitor

这篇关于与仅使用angular 2路由器相比,了解ngrx路由器存储项目的目的的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 01:25