




It sounds like the SaveChanges of BreezeJS is great for quick demos, but most real life applications need some sort of unit of work, business requirements, and/or sanity checks before actually saving to the data store. Is there a way to integrate BreezeJS with an ajax call that deals with inserting, deleting, and or updating the data rather than using SaveChanges?


Breeze允许您同时通过SaveOptions.resourceName属性更改 SaveChanges的服务器端点。 (有关更多信息,请参见EntityManager.SaveChanges api)。您也可以在服务器上拦截SaveChanges调用。 (请参见Breeze文档中的保存拦截。)

Breeze allows you to both change the server endpoint for 'SaveChanges' via the SaveOptions.resourceName property. (See the EntityManager.SaveChanges api for more info). You can also intercept the SaveChanges call on the server. ( See Save interception in the Breeze Documentation).

此外,不要求您使用服务器端SaveChanges代码的当前实现。只要您使用Breeze发送到服务器的 SaveBundle 并返回服务器端 SaveResult ,Breeze就可以正常工作。诚然,我们还没有关于此过程的大量文档,但是代码是开源的,您当然可以看到它现在是如何完成的。

Moreover, there is no requirement that you use the current implementation of the Server side SaveChanges code. As long as you work with the SaveBundle that Breeze sends to the server and return a server side SaveResult, Breeze will work just fine. Admittedly, we don't yet have a great deal of documentation on this process, but the code is open-source and you can certainly see how its done right now.

与此类似,我们正在研究一个示例,该示例将Breeze用于在Node下运行的MongoDb,该MongoDb使用完全不同的 SaveBundle和 SaveResult格式。我们应该在接下来的几周内发布此消息。

In a related vein, we are working on an example of using Breeze against a MongoDb running under Node that uses completely different 'SaveBundle' and 'SaveResult' formats. We should be releasing this within the next few weeks.


09-02 01:13