有两个具有相同尺寸的栅格(值是带有 5 个小数的浮点数).下面给出的代码从两个栅格 r 和 r1 中生成一个文件.如果 r 较大,则放蓝色,否则放红色.
Having two rasters (values are floats with 5 decimals) with the same dimensions.The code given below makes one file out of two rasters r and r1. If r is bigger,put blue ,otherwise put red.
This code worked well but I was asked to add another condition.How this code works:
如果 r 为 0.229 且 r1 为 0.228,则 r 更大(注意小数点后第三位).我需要的是指定前两位小数,例如:
If r is 0.229 and r1 is 0.228 then r is bigger(notice third decimal).what I need is to specify the first two decimals for example:
r= 0.228 r1=0.224 put yellow colour(they are rather similar)
r= 0.238 r1=0.224 put blue colour(r is bigger)
r= 0.128 r1=0.224 put red colour(r is lower)
1- 读取第一个文件 r
1- to read the first file r
conn <- file("C:\\corr.bin","rb")
corr<- readBin(conn, numeric(), size=4, n=1440*720, signed=TRUE)
2- to read the second file r1:
conne <- file("C:\\cor06.bin","rb")
over<-readBin(conne, numeric(), size=4, n=1440*720, signed=TRUE)
r <-raster(t(matrix((data=corr), ncol=720, nrow=1440)))
r1 <- raster(t(matrix((data=over), ncol=720, nrow=1440)))
m <- r > r1 #Compare the two rasters
image( m , col = c("blue" , "red" ) )
您现在想要根据一个大于另一个,或者两者之间的差异小于 0.01 来创建颜色.您可以简单地这样做:
You now want to create colours based on if one is greater than the other, or the difference between the two is less than 0.01. You can do this simply like this:
# Example data
r <- raster( system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster") )
r1 <- r * rnorm( ncell(r))
# Make new raster
m <- raster( r )
# 3 = Yellow , 2 = "Red" , 1 = "Blue"
values( m ) <- ifelse( abs( r[] - r1[] ) <= 0.01 , 3 , ifelse( r[] > r1[] , 1 , 2 ) )
image( m , col = c( 1 = "Blue" , 2 = "Red" , 3 = "Yellow" ) )
您可以在 col
中使用 value = "colour"
You can use the value = "colour"
style of argument in col
ensuring colours are assigned to the right levels.