




I have several environments that my SSIS packages move through during a development cycle (Development, QA, Staging, and Production) as such I'd like to use a configuration in SSIS to set the Server Names in my Connection Managers so that I don't need to do this by hand.


I've read about using xml config files, SQL config tables, and environment variables. However the problem I have is that my QA and Staging environments are on the same server but using two separate SQL instances. How can I configure the Server Name dynamically in this instance?


确定这是我们如何处理。我们使用一个环境变量来确定数据库以从其中读取其他配置。环境变量与用户相关联,因此我们为一个用户设置了质量检查的作业,并将作业分配到另一个用户。我们的用户被称为类似SQLQA和SQLstaging,只用于运行作业。然后环境变量指向数据库,我们将其他配置存储在SSIS config中。

Ok this is how we handle. We use an environment variable to determine the database to read teh rest of teh configuration from. Environment variables are associated with users, so we set up the job for QA to one user and the job for staging to another. Our users are called something like SQLQA and SQLstaging and are only used to run jobs. Then the environment variable points to the database where we store the rest of the configurations in SSIS config.


09-02 00:18