Using using SOCKS proxy or any other Proxy, is there any way to connect to amqp queue over SSL using org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsConnectionFactory for environments where direct internet access is not available or amqps connection port is blocked by firewall.
I have tried connecting to amqp queue over SSL using org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsConnectionFactory on environments where internet is available.It is working fine!!!
使用Qpid JMS客户端的最新版本(截至本回答为0.47.0),您可以创建自己的Netty ProxyHandler实例,该实例控制客户端如何通过该实例进行连接代理,并按照代码此处:工厂通过设置用于连接扩展.测试用例显示了一些用法.
Using the latest release of the Qpid JMS client (0.47.0 as of this answer) you can create your own Netty ProxyHandler instance that controls how the client connects through a proxy and configure it on the Connection Extensions as documented in the code here: the Factory exposes this via the setter for connection extensions. The test case for this feature shows some usages.
Supplier<ProxyHandler> proxyHandlerSupplier = () -> {
return new Socks5ProxyHandler(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", getPort()));
JmsConnectionFactory factory = new JmsConnectionFactory(remoteURI);
factory.setExtension(JmsConnectionExtensions.PROXY_HANDLER_SUPPLIER.toString(), (connection, remote) -> {
return proxyHandlerSupplier;