

本文介绍了WMF / EMF文件格式转换C#的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的计划,我有一个要求,播放或分析Windows图元(WMF和EMF)。我已经通过MSDN和谷歌挖,我也来最接近的是图形。 EnumerateMetafile方法。我可以得到它的工作,在我的EnumerateMetafileProc回调被调用,然后我可以叫PlayRecord。现在缺少的,是如何得到有用的数据指出,回调

In my program, I have a requirement to "playback" or "parse" windows metafiles (WMF and EMF). I have dug through MSDN and Google, and the closest I have come is the Graphics. EnumerateMetafile method. I can get it to work, in that my EnumerateMetafileProc callback is called, and I can then call PlayRecord. What is missing, is how to get usefull data out of that callback.



The callback has a recordType parameter, which is an ENUM. Well this looks useful, except their seems to be no way to cast the data into any useful type.

我的目标是要回放的WMF / EMF的建立,这样我就可以进行函数调用其中有像(DrawLine的,DrawPoint,DrawArc)方法专业图形类。从某种意义上说,我重新创建WMF / EMF在一个完全不同的格式(转换)拉。

My goal is to play back the creation of the WMF/EMF, so that I can make function calls to a specialized graphics class which has methods like (DrawLine, DrawPoint, DrawArc). In a sense, I am re-creating the WMF/EMF drawing in a completely different format (Converting).


Any help in this is extremely appreciated.


的,不幸的是围绕Win32 API的一个非常,非常薄的一层。在EMF的每条记录,你会得到一个非托管内存地址记录专用结构。什么它可能不包含文档 - !不过呢,也没有太多的在Win32世界要么去上

Graphics.EnumerateMetafile, is unfortunately a very, very thin layer around the Win32 APIs. For each record in the EMF, you get an unmanaged memory address for the record-specific struct. No documentation about what it might contain - but then, there isn't much to go on in the Win32 world either.



This book came with a code sample CD-ROM that includes sample programs to use the EMF playback API.


  1. 这本书显然是绝版,所以请确保任何使用复制你购买包括工作CD-ROM。

  1. The book is apparently out of print, so make sure that any used copy you buy includes a working CD-ROM.

的示例代码都是用C / C ++,这将是一个不平凡的任务申报必要的互操作为用于描述所有的EMF记录的100个左右结构。

The sample code is all in C/C++ and it will be a non-trivial task to declare the necessary interop for the 100 or so structures that are used to describe all the EMF records.

所以,另一种办法是,在申报.NET一个巨大的接口,具有每GDI的方法叫你需要拦截,然后用C ++ / CLI适应例如C ++代码,以便它调用到你的每个记录巨大的接口。

So another approach might be to declare a huge interface in .NET that has a method for every GDI call you need to intercept, and then use C++/CLI to adapt the example C++ code so it calls onto your huge interface for each record.



Although the MSDN documentation for EMF playback doesn't include details of specific EMF records, Microsoft has separately published the complete specification as of 2006:


Also the author of the book I linked to above has made the source code of the CDROM samples available to download:


这篇关于WMF / EMF文件格式转换C#的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 23:53