

本文介绍了如何在项目上同时支持 vcxproj 和 cmake?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发跨平台的 C++ 项目.最初的想法是与 msvc2010 一起工作,然后在 CMake 和 Hudson 的帮助下为其他系统编译.更改工作室设置后手动更改 CMake 文件似乎不太方便.

I'm developing cross-platform c++ project. The original idea is to work with msvc2010 and later compile for other systems with the help of CMake and Hudson.It doesn't seem to be convenient manually change CMake files after changes in studio settings.

那么,最简​​单的方法是:为 vcxproj 和 vcxproj.filters 编写解析器,还是有其他好的解决方案?

So, what’s the easiest way: to write parser for vcxproj and vcxproj.filters, or there is another good solution?



It might be useful, from time to time, to do this type of conversion, say for porting. On my travels I've found the following, in no particular order:

  • vcproj2cmake
  • vcxproj2cmake(不是打字错误!)
  • gypify.py 是一个 .sln/solution-reading Gyp 文件生成器.Gyp 是 Cmake 的替代品,目前被 Chromium 项目(谷歌 Chrome 浏览器的基础)使用.Gyp 将输出 Makefile、Visual Studio 或 XCode 构建文件(请参阅 Gyp 的-f [make|scons|msvc|xcode]"开关).这个 Python 脚本很有前途,我希望尽快修改它,以便为 gcc 的-I"包含参数正确指定包含头文件的文件夹.
  • vcproj2cmake
  • vcxproj2cmake (not a typo!)
  • gypify.py is a .sln/solution-reading Gyp file generator. Gyp is a Cmake alternative, currently being used by the Chromium project (base for Google's Chrome browser). Gyp will output Makefile, Visual Studio or XCode build files (see Gyp's '-f [make|scons|msvc|xcode]' switch). This Python script is quite promising, I'm hoping to modify it soon to correctly specify header-containing folders for gcc's '-I' include parameter.
  • 让它如此 将 Visual Studio 解决方案转换为 Linux gcc 生成文件
  • sln2mak C# 项目
  • sln2mak Perl 脚本
  • GUCEF 项目包括用于 Cmake 的 ProjectGenerator 工具
  • gencmake (ruby) – KDE 项目
  • 'pbtomake' 说它可以将 XCode xcodeproj/pbproj 文件转换为 Makefile(可能已经过时)
  • Make It So Converts Visual Studio solutions to Linux gcc makefiles
  • sln2mak C# project
  • sln2mak Perl script
  • GUCEF Project includes the ProjectGenerator tool, for Cmake
  • gencmake (ruby) – KDE Project
  • 'pbtomake' says it can convert XCode xcodeproj/pbproj files to Makefiles (maybe outdated)



这篇关于如何在项目上同时支持 vcxproj 和 cmake?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 23:45