


I've been banging my head against the wall on this one.
I know that if I create an Array in Powershell, then copy the array, it'll copy it as a reference type not a value type.
So, the classic example is:

$c = (0,0,0)
$d = $c
$c[0] = 1

解决方案是执行$d = $c.clone()如果数组本身是引用类型的集合,则此方法不起作用.这是我的问题.我正在尝试通过创建一个进程数组来创建一个数组来跟踪CPU使用率,请稍等片刻,然后检查最新值并计算差异.但是,Get-Process会创建一个引用数组.因此,当我执行以下操作时:

The solution is to do $d = $c.clone()This isn't working though if the array itself is a collection of reference types. This is my problem. I'm trying to create an array to track CPU usage by creating an array of Processes, wait a while, then check the latest values and calculate the differences. However the Get-Process creates a reference array. So when I do the following:

$a = ps | sort -desc id | where-object {$_.CPU -gt 20} #Get current values
$b = $a.clone() #Create a copy of those values.
sleep 20 #Wait a few seconds for general CPU usage...

$a = ps | sort -desc id | where-object {$_.CPU -gt 20} #Get latest values.
$b[0] #returns the same value as A.

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessNam
-------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- ----------
   3195      57    90336     100136   600    83.71   7244 OUTLOOK

$a$b将始终返回相同的值.如果我尝试使用$ b [0] ="$ a [0] .clone()"来一次输入一个条目-PS抱怨在这种情况下不能使用Clone.

$a and $b will always return the same value. If I try and do it one entry at a time using something like $b[0] = "$a[0].clone()" - PS complains that Clone can't be used in this case.


此外,仅供参考,由于$a是PS列表对象的引用类型,因此实际上并不需要第二条$a = PS |....行,只要调用$a,它实际上就会更新并返回最新的值.我包括了它,以使我在这里想要完成的工作更清楚.

Also, just FYI, the second $a = PS |.... line isn't actually needed since $a is reference type to the PS list object, it actually gets updated and returns the most current values whenever $a is called. I included it to make it clearer what I'm trying to accomplish here.



To copy an array, you can do the following:

$c = (0,0,0)
$d = $c | foreach { $_ }
$c[0] = 1
"c is [$c]"
"d is [$d]"


c is [1 0 0]
d is [0 0 0]


For your particular issue (comparing CPU usage of processes), something more specific would probably be better, as Keith pointed out.


09-01 23:37