


I've been thinking recently on using the Object Oriented design in the sorting algorithm. However I was not able to find a proper way to even come closer in making this sorting algorithm that does the sorting in O(n) time.


Ok, here is what I've been thinking for a week. I have a set of input data. I will assign a mass to each of the input data (assume input data a type of Mass and a type of Sphere. If we assume all objects to be perfectly spherical objects with shapes proportional to their mass, the heaviest one touches the ground first.). I will be placing all my input data in the space all at same distance from earth. And I will make them free fall. According to gravitational law, the heaviest one hits the ground first. And the order in which they hit will give me the sorted data. This is funny in some way, but underneath I feel that this should be possible using the OO that I have learnt till date


Is it really possible to make a sorting technique that uses gravitational pull like scenario or am I stupid/crazy?


Turns out all objects hit the ground at the same time hence I introduced the spherical object concept.



The thing is, though one of the ideas of OOP may be to model the real world, that doesn't mean there's a direct correspondence between how long something takes in the real world and how long it would take to simulate it with a computer.


Imagine the actual steps required for your procedure:

  1. 的对象必须为你的数据集的每一个项目构成。在大多数现代化的硬件,仅此一项就需要迭代,因此将在使您的策略为O(n)的最佳
  2. 重力的影响将需要仿真,对于每个对象。此外,为了实现这一点最明显,直接的方法是将循环。
  3. ,在编程模型中的大地的表面上的每一个对象的土地将不得不被捕获,并通过一些实现特定的机制的时间,相应的对象需要被插入到一个有序列表作为结果


Considering the problem further introduces additional complications. Ask yourself this: how high up do you need to position these objects to start? Obviously high enough so that the largest one actually falls; i.e., farther from the Earth than the radius of the largest object. But how do you know how far that is? You'd need to first determine the largest object in the collection; this, again, would (probably) require iterating. Also, one might imagine that this simulation could be multithreaded to attempt to simulate the real-time behavior of the notion of objects actually falling; but then you will find yourself attempting to add items to a collection (an operation which obviously takes a non-zero amount of time) potentially at the same time that new collisions are being detected. So this will create threading issues as well.

总之,我有麻烦想象如何使用OOP没有特殊硬件的这种想法可以正确实施简单。这就是说,它真正的的一个好主意。这让我想起珠排序 --an算法,虽然不一样,你的想法我,其实,也分拣解决方案,将重心非常物理概念的优势,不出意外,需要专门的硬件。

In short, I have trouble imagining how this idea could be properly implemented simply using OOP without special hardware. That said, it really is a good idea. It reminds me, in fact, of Bead Sort--an algorithm which, though not the same as your idea, is also a sorting solution that takes advantage of the very physical concept of gravity and, not surprisingly, requires specialized hardware.


09-04 22:31