本文介绍了如何删除3D Matlab图的背面的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



When plotting a 3d graph in matlab, the back faces of the bounding box are filled in white:


These can easily all be removed with

ax = gca;
ax.Color = [0, 0, 0, 0];

如何才能仅去除背面? (除了地板上的所有东西)

How can I remove just the rear sides? (everything but the floor)


使用未记录的Axes.Backdrop属性,您可以得到这种行为. Axes.Backdrop.Face.VertexData包含背景顶点的列表.我们可以找到并保持地板:

Using the undocumented Axes.Backdrop property, you can sort of get this behaviour. Axes.Backdrop.Face.VertexData contains a list of the vertices of the backdrop. We can find and keep the floor with:

ax = gca;
face = ax.Backdrop.Face;

% can be replaced with conditions on other axes and limits
point_on_face = face.VertexData(3,:) == ax.ZLim(1);
is_target_face = all(reshape(point_on_face, 4, []));
target_face_verts = logical(kron(is_target_face, ones(1, 4)));

% discard all but the first quad (the floor)
face.VertexData = face.VertexData(:,target_face_verts);


However, when the axes are rotated, these quads are redrawn, making this not an effective solution.


We can go further by adding an event listener:

function h = set_walls(ax, varargin)
  function update()
    face = ax.Backdrop.Face;
    data = face.VertexData;
    if empty(data); return; end
    keep_verts = false(1, size(data, 2));
    for side = varargin'
      side = side{:};
      switch side
        case 'xmin'; point_on_face = data(1,:) == ax.XLim(1);
        case 'xmax'; point_on_face = data(1,:) == ax.XLim(2);
        case 'ymin'; point_on_face = data(2,:) == ax.YLim(1);
        case 'ymax'; point_on_face = data(2,:) == ax.YLim(2);
        case 'zmin'; point_on_face = data(3,:) == ax.ZLim(1);
        case 'zmax'; point_on_face = data(3,:) == ax.ZLim(2);
        otherwise; error('Unknown face');
      is_target_face = all(reshape(point_on_face, 4, []));
      keep_verts = keep_verts | logical(kron(is_target_face, ones(1, 4)));
    face.VertexData = data(:,keep_verts);
  h = addlistener(ax, 'MarkedClean', @(x, y) update);

这会闪烁,但可以.该功能可用作set_walls(gca, 'zmin')

This flickers, but it works. The function can be used as set_walls(gca, 'zmin')

这篇关于如何删除3D Matlab图的背面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 23:21