本文介绍了当所有嵌套组件都被渲染时,KnockoutJS afterRender回调?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a hierarchy of nested KnockoutJS Components using 3.2.0. It's working very well but I'm looking to execute some code once my entire hierarchy of components has been loaded and rendered. It's a rough equivalent of afterRender(), needed for the same common uses cases as afterRender.


I've tried a few approaches but no luck so far:

  1. 在根模板中添加了以下内容,但在嵌套组件加载之前调用它,所以太早了。

    <! - ko模板:{afterRender:onLoad.bind($ data)} - >

  2. 使用最新的3.3.0-alpha并在所有组件上指定synchronous:true。但我相信,因为我使用AMD,组件仍然是异步加载,这意味着只是因为我的root applyBindings()返回,并不意味着所有组件都已加载和呈现。

  3. 甚至尝试构建一个只在加载相应组件时才能解析的延迟对象集合。这变得过于复杂,但由于我不愿意这样做仍然无法工作。


Is there a way to get a callback called once a complete hierarchy of knockoutjs components have been loaded and rendered? Thanks!


I just came across these two threads so it seems others are looking for this as well. The key differentiator from the existing workarounds are they don't work with nested components.

  • https://github.com/knockout/knockout/issues/1533
  • https://github.com/knockout/knockout/issues/1475



I've written a knockout library that triggers an event when all components have been loaded and bound. It uses reference counting, similar to referencing counting used for garbage collection. I extensively use components in my project(s), including nesting many levels deep, and I can't live without knowing when everything is "ready to go". I haven't spend much time on documentation of usage, but the basics are there.

Git Hub wiki:

Git Hub wiki:https://github.com/ericraider33/ko.component.loader/wiki



<div id="ko-div">
  Status: <span data-bind="text: loading() ? 'Loading' : 'Done'"></span>


var pageModel = {
  loading: ko.observable(true),
    completedCallback: function (childRef) {

var tpRef = ko.componentLoader.ref.child({ completedCallback: pageModel.completedCallback});
var tpModel = {
  attached: function(element) { return tpRef; },
  testValue: ko.observable(5)

ko.components.register('test-panel', {
    viewModel: function() { return tpModel; },
    template: '<div data-bind="attached: true">Test Panel<br>From Code <span data-bind="text: testValue"></span></div>'

ko.componentLoader.setOptions({ verbose: true });
ko.applyBindings(pageModel, $('#ko-div')[0]);

这篇关于当所有嵌套组件都被渲染时,KnockoutJS afterRender回调?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 23:10