

本文介绍了加载Dicom图像并显示它 - 使用ClearCanvas库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



This is a very narrow and specific question, but I know there are someone else out there using this, so I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope anyone of you pics this question up.


I'm working on a WPF application where one part of it is a Dicom viewer. We'd like to use a 3rd party component to handle the Dicom stuff, and ClearCanvas is the one we've got the best impression of this far. We're able to load a Dicom file and fetch the attributes, but we're having problems putting the image data on the Source property of an Image control to show it. Anyone with hints on how to make this happen?


Here's the code I use for extracting the image data:

var file = new DicomFile(dicomFilePath);
var patientName = file.DataSet.GetAttribute(DicomTags.PatientsName);
var imageData = file.DataSet.GetAttribute(DicomTags.PixelData);


Have also tried using the ImageViewer library, but it is still the same data..

var localSopDataSource = new LocalSopDataSource(new DicomFile(dicomFilePath));
var patientName = localSopDataSource.File.DataSet.GetAttribute(DicomTags.PatientsName);
var imageData = localSopDataSource.File.DataSet.GetAttribute(DicomTags.PixelData);



Okay, I figured it out.. There might be some more ways of achieving this, but this is what I did. Now I have a Wpf Image bound to a property which provides the bitmap data. The following is the property used to provide the Bitmap data.

public BitmapSource CurrentFrameData
        LocalSopDataSource _dicomDataSource =
            new LocalSopDataSource(_dicomFilePath);
        var imageSop = new ImageSop(_dicomDataSource);

        IPresentationImage presentationImage =

        int width = imageSop.Frames[CurrentFrame].Columns;
        int height = imageSop.Frames[CurrentFrame].Rows;

        Bitmap bmp = presentationImage.DrawToBitmap(width, height);
        BitmapSource output = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(
          BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight(width, height));

          return output;

请注意,这是一个非常直接的解决方案。一个可能是想要做一些事情,如预加载图片等,以避免在滚动多帧图像时的重负荷。但对于如何显示图像的问题 - 这应该回答它..

Note that this is a very straight forward solution. One might e.g. want to do stuff like preloading the pictures etc to avoid heavy load when scrolling multiframe images. But for the "howto display the image" question - this should answer it..

这篇关于加载Dicom图像并显示它 - 使用ClearCanvas库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 22:40