




I'm trying to set the graph background to a dicom image. I followed this example, but the image data given from dicom.pixel_array isn't RGBA. I'm not sure how to convert it, either. I'm also not sure what exactly bokeh is expecting. I've tried finding specifics in the documentation, but not such luck.

from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file
import dicom
import numpy as np

path = "/pathToDicomImage.dcm"
data = dicom.read_file(path)
img = data.pixel_array

p = figure(x_range=(0,10), y_range=(0,10))

# must give a vector of images
p.image_rgba(image=[img], x=0, y=0, dw=10, dh=10)

output_file("image_rgba.html", title="image_rgba.py example")



This code doesnt give me any errors, but it doesn't display anything. Maybe the pixel array doesn't have alpha data, so alpha defaults to 0? I'm not sure. Also, I can't quite figure out how to test it.



As was pointed out, I just needed to map the pixel data to rgba space. for this instance, it means duplicating the data to each channel, and setting alpha all the way.

def dicom_image_to_RGBA(image_data):
    rows = len(image_data)
    cols = rows
    img = np.empty((rows,cols), dtype=np.uint32)
    view = img.view(dtype=np.uint8).reshape((rows, cols, 4))
    for i in range(0,rows):
        for j in range(0,cols):
            view[i][j][0] = image_data[i][j]
            view[i][j][1] = image_data[i][j]
            view[i][j][2] = image_data[i][j]
            view[i][j][3] = 255
    return img


您需要做的是将从pixel_array返回的像素数据映射到RGB空间.通常,这是使用查找表(LUT)完成的.看看 dicomparser 中的函数GetImage和GetLUTValue > dicompyler-core 库中的模块.

What you need to do is map the pixel data returned from pixel_array to RGB space. Usually that is done using a look up table (LUT). Take a look at the functions GetImage and GetLUTValue in the dicomparser module in the dicompyler-core library.


In GetLUTValue it maps the data to an 8-bit greyscale image. If you want to use a different LUT, you would need to map the color space accordingly.


09-01 22:39