




I am creating a text file on the fly based on data gathered in a DataTable.


My current (test) dataset has 773 rows, which I want to split with a comma (,) for each column and break each row on a separate line. Here's my attempt;

string FileName = "TEST_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyhhmm") + ".txt";

                StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(@"PATH...." + FileName);

                foreach (DataRow row in Product.Rows)
                    bool firstCol = true;
                    foreach (DataColumn col in Product.Columns)
                        if (!firstCol) sw.Write(",");
                        firstCol = false;


The output is a text file, as expected. Instantly, most of the data appears, but the text file never fully displays the 773 rows. I have tried this several times, the number of rows can vary from 720 rows to 750 rows all the way to partial completion of row 773, but it never finishes.


I haven't interfered with, or stopped the application at any time.




您需要刷新 ,由的StreamWriter 使用块,或者叫 sw.Flush()或者包装你的的foreach 循环结束。

You need to flush the Stream, by either wrapping the StreamWriter in a using block, or call sw.Flush() at the end of your foreach loop.


在使用的StreamWriter 任何形式的(的StreamWriter 的BinaryWriter 的TextWriter ),写入底层流/装置(你的情况的文件) - 它不会直接写入到文件中,因为这是昂贵的,相比于使用一个缓冲器。

When using a StreamWriter of any kind (StreamWriter, BinaryWriter, TextWriter), writing to the underlying stream/device (in your case a file) - it will not write directly to the file, as this is expensive, compared to using a buffer.


(1) Imagine the following:

  • 您正在通过循环10.000记录

  • 每条记录都直接调用时写入文件 .WRITE(),下一个纪录在移动之前。

  • You're looping through 10.000 records
  • Each record is written to the file directly when invoking .Write(), before moving on with the next record.


(2) How it really works:

  • 你通过10.000的记录

  • 循环
  • 调用时,每个记录被写入缓冲区 .WRITE(),移动到前下一个记录。

  • 当缓冲区到达将刷新到磁盘的元素一定规模/数量。

  • You're looping through 10.000 records
  • Each record is written to a buffer when invoking .Write(), before moving on to the next record.
  • When the buffer reaches a certain size/number of elements it will flush to disc.


You can see that by using (2) you will gain a lot of IO performance compared to (1), as each new record doesn't need to be written to the file immediately.

所以(1)将需要写入文件10.000倍,而(2)仅必须写的内容(1)需要一个级分(其可以是5.000倍,2.000倍 - 这取决于缓冲区是如何实现的)。

So (1) would need to write to the file 10.000 times, while (2) only has to write a fraction of what (1) needs to (which could be 5.000 times, 2.000 times - it depends on how the buffer is implemented).

通过在一个包裹 使用块,或调用同花顺()就可以了,只要你用将使其刷新缓冲区(和丢失的数据),以该文件。

By wrapping the Stream in a using block, or calling Flush() on it, whenever you're done with the Stream will make it flush the buffer (and missing data) to the file.


09-01 22:34