




I want to restrict my web app so that .txt files can not be downloaded/shown.Is this something I can set up in my web.config file?


I tried this in my config file:

        <add verb="*" path="*.txt" type="System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler" />

...但它没有任何效果。我使用的IIS7和应用是.NET3.5,可能这有什么关系呢?我知道,这实际上对于.NET 1.0 1.1和2.0工作。

...but it had no effect. I am using IIS7 and application is .NET3.5, could this have something to do with it? I know this would actually work for .NEt 1.0 1.1 and 2.0.


I noticed in the documentation for this (add httpHandlers), the Requirements section:

Microsoft Internet信息服务(IIS)5.0版,5.1或6.0结果
  在.NET Framework 1.0版,1.1或2.0结果
  微软的Visual Studio 2003或Visual Studio 2005

...这表明这不是在.NET支持3和IIS7 ...

...which indicates that this is not supported in .NET 3 and IIS7...


Where is this specified in IIS7?



Take a look at this MS Support article on how to achieve this: HOW TO: Use ASP.NET to Protect File Types.

它必须设置IIS转发这些请求到ASP.NET,然后设置你的web.config阻止的文件类型,如:(注意这适用于您的开发计算机和IIS7前 - 一定要看清如下图)

It involves setting up IIS to forward those requests to ASP.NET and then setting up your web.config to block the desired file types, such as: (nb this works for your dev machine and before IIS7 - be sure to see below)

        <add verb="*" path="*.ini" type="System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler" />

按照 HttpHandlers的元素页,以下扩展名默认情况下,禁止为.NET 2.0(.INI是不是其中之一):

According to the httpHandlers Element page, the following extensions are forbidden by default as of .NET 2.0 (.ini is not one of them):

*。ASAX,*的.ascx,*的.master,*。皮肤,* .browser,* .sitemap,* .config文件,*的.cs,* .csproj的,*的.vb,* .vbproj,* .webinfo * .licx,*的.resx,*的.resources,* .MDB,* .vjsproj,*的.java,* .jsl,* .LDB,* .dsdgm,* .ssdgm,* .lsad,* .ssmap,* .CD,* .dsprototype,* .lsaprototype,* .sdm,* .sdmDocument,*密度纤维板,* .LDF

*.asax, *.ascx, *.master, *.skin, *.browser, *.sitemap, *.config, *.cs, *.csproj, *.vb, *.vbproj, *.webinfo, *.licx, *.resx, *.resources, *.mdb, *.vjsproj, *.java, *.jsl, *.ldb, *.dsdgm, *.ssdgm, *.lsad, *.ssmap, *.cd, *.dsprototype, *.lsaprototype, *.sdm, *.sdmDocument, *.mdf, *.ldf

编辑:在此之前适用于IIS版本到IIS 7.0。 IIS 7.0中增加了一个额外的操作模式,称为集成模式(默认用于ASP.NET),这需要处理被放置在&LT; system.webServer&GT; /&LT;处理&GT; 而不是&LT的;&的System.Web GT; /&LT;&HttpHandlers的GT; 。我说这个页面上一些更多的信息和链接,@敬畏的回答,检查它的更多细节。

this applies to IIS versions prior to IIS 7.0. IIS 7.0 adds an additional operating mode, called Integrated Mode (default for ASP.NET), which requires handlers to be placed in <system.webServer>/<handlers> instead of <system.web>/<httpHandlers>. I added some more info and links to @awe's answer on this page, check it out for more details.

重要!对于IIS 7.0或更高版本

如您需要将编辑指定的&LT;添加&gt; 在不同的地方元素的和规则需要一个名字太的 - 如果你不指定一个名称,再启动时,你会得到一个500内部错误

As specified in the edit you need to place the <add> element in a different place and the rule needs a name too - if you dont specify a name you will get a 500 Internal Error when restarting

            <add name="IgnoreIni" verb="*" path="*.ini" type="System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler" />
