

我正在尝试编写一个比较两个列表以查看它们是否表示相同集合的函数.即'(a b c d d)'(d c b a d)代表相同的集合.元素可以是任意顺序.

I am attempting to write a function which compares two lists to see if they represent the same set. That is '(a b c d d) and '(d c b a d) represent the same set. The elements can be in any order.


This is what I have, which works:

(defun samesetp (list1 list2)
    ((null list1) (null list2))
    ((eq list2 (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1)) nil)
    (t (samesetP (cdr list1) (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1))))))

我不喜欢这样的原因是(remove (car list1) list2 :count 1))被计算了两次-一次用于测试remove操作是否确实删除了任何内容,一次用于递归测试其余列表(没有该元素).

The reason I do not like this is that (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1)) is being computed twice - once to test if the remove operation truly removed anything, and once to recursively test the rest of the list(s) sans that element.


Can anyone suggest a way to improve this without using a different algorithm?


(defun samesetp (list1 list2)
        ((null list1) (null list2))
        ((eq list2 (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1)) nil)
        (t (samesetP (cdr list1) (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1))))


First let's format it correctly:

(defun samesetp (list1 list2)
  (cond ((null list1) (null list2))
        ((eq list2 (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1)) nil)
        (t (samesetP (cdr list1) (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1)))))

如果您使用两次表单,并且想要更改它,那么您需要存储一个值. LET是为此而构建的.如果它不适合一个COND,则需要第二个.

If you use a form twice and you want to change that, then you need to store a value. LET is the construct for that. If it doesn't fit into one COND, then you need a second one.

(defun samesetp (list1 list2)
  (cond ((null list1) (null list2))
        (t (let ((list3 (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1)))
             (cond ((eq list2 list3) nil)
                   (t (samesetP (cdr list1) list3)))))))


Now, EQ can't be used to compare lists. Use EQUAL.

(defun samesetp (list1 list2)
  (cond ((null list1) (null list2))
        (t (let ((list3 (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1)))
             (cond ((equal list2 list3) nil)
                   (t (samesetP (cdr list1) list3)))))))


COND is overkill here, use IF:

(defun samesetp (list1 list2)
  (if (null list1)
      (null list2)
    (let ((list3 (remove (car list1) list2 :count 1)))
      (if (equal list2 list3)
        (samesetP (cdr list1) list3)))))


Now, you only need to make the function do what was asked in the homework. But it is your homework anyway.


09-01 21:56