

本文介绍了Google Cloud Storage 和 dev_appserver.py 的本地存储浏览器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有谁知道在开发过程中是否可以使用某个版本的 Google Cloud Storage 存储浏览器 (console.developers.google.com/project/apps~{application name}/storage)?

Does anyone know if there is a version of the Google Cloud Storage storage browser (console.developers.google.com/project/apps~{application name}/storage) to use during development?

当 dev_appserver.py 启动时,似乎没有任何这样的工具作为在 localhost:8000 启动的管理服务器的一部分.

There doesn't seem to be any such tool as part of the admin server that is started at localhost:8000 when dev_appserver.py is launched.

如果不存在这样的工具,其他人在开发过程中如何针对本地 Google Cloud Storage 服务进行开发?他们最终是否会编写自己的工具来上传文件、删除文件以及查看在本地文件系统之上运行的本地 Google Cloud Storage 的当前内容?

If no such tool exists, how do others develop against the local Google Cloud Storage service during development? Do they end up writing their own tools to upload files, delete files, and view the current contents of the local Google Cloud Storage running on top of the local filesystem?


如果您在 localhost:8000 访问管理服务器,您可以在 blobstore 查看器中看到文件.您可以判断它们是 GCS 文件,因为它们的密钥将以 encoded_gs_file: 开头,但您看不到文件名.

If you visit the admin server at localhost:8000 you can see the files inside of the blobstore viewer. You can tell they are GCS files because their keys will start with encoded_gs_file: but you cannot see the filenames.

这篇关于Google Cloud Storage 和 dev_appserver.py 的本地存储浏览器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 21:54