



我克隆了GHC(格拉斯哥Haskell编译器)存储库。为了构建编译器,你需要几个库,它们也都可以用作git库。为了让人们生活得更轻松,GHC黑客们包括一个脚本 sync-all ,这些脚本在执行时会更新所有依赖的存储库。

现在我的问题:我做了一个 git pull ./ sync-all pull c $ c>自动?我听到有关使用钩子的一些信息,但我不知道,我必须做什么。


post-receive post-update 钩子通常用于这种类型的任务,每次推后执行。

post-receive post-update 钩子在参数中:a post-receive 会同时得到旧的和



确保您的 hook / post-receive 脚本,一旦创建并可执行,就在正确的路径上设置 GIT_WORK_TREE code> ./ sync-all pull 要在正确的目录中执行(即不是 xxx.git 一个)。

I cloned the GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler) repository. In order to build the compiler, you need several libraries, all of them are available as git repositories too. In order to ease ones live, the GHC hackers included a script sync-all that, when executed, updates all the dependent repositories.

Now to my question: How can I make git execute ./sync-all pull after I did a git pull automatically? I heard something about using hooks, but I don't really know, what I have to do.


A post-receive or post-update hook is generally used for this kind of task, executed after each push.
The difference between the post-receive and post-update hooks is in the arguments: a post-receive will get both the old and the new values of all the refs in addition to their names.

The missing piece is: where that hook executes itself?

The blog post "Missing git hooks documentation" from (a great) SO contributor Mark Longair sheds some light on this:

Make sure your hook/post-receive script, once created and made executable, sets the GIT_WORK_TREE at the right path, in order for your ./sync-all pull to be executed in the right directory (i.e. not "xxx.git" one).


09-01 21:20