我创建了一个具有大查询角色admin的服务帐户.我正在使用大查询PHP API.让我知道是否需要其他许可?
I created one service account with role big query admin.I am Using big query PHP API. Let me know if any other permission is required or not?
It gives me an error stating that the:
I wanted to run a query on bigquery. Please help.
$service = new Google_Service_Bigquery($client);
$query = new Google_Service_Bigquery_QueryRequest($client);
$query->setQuery('SELECT * FROM [xxx:xxx.xxs] LIMIT 1000;');
$jobs = $service->jobs;
$response = $jobs->query($project_id, $query);
// Do something with the BigQuery API $response data
I ran into this problem using the BQ library for nodejs.
通过CLI登录到用户/服务帐户似乎并不总是足够的.我的服务帐户已通过身份验证,并且在GCP SDK Shell中具有正确的权限,但是我仍然得到service account does not have bigquery.jobs.create permission.
It seems being signed into a user/service account via the CLI is not always enough. My service account was authenticated and had the correct permissions in the GCP SDK Shell, but I still got service account does not have bigquery.jobs.create permission.
我能够通过使用客户端库方法简单地添加相同的服务帐户详细信息来解决此问题.我使用了 https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/bigquery/latest/BigQuery.html .
I was able to fix this by simply adding the same service account details, using the client library methods. I used https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/bigquery/latest/BigQuery.html.
In the case of nodejs, I just had to add
// Imports BigQuery library
const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery');
// Create BQ Options - this object is what fixed the issue
const bqOptions = {};
bqOptions.projectId = '*your-project-name*';
bqOptions.keyFilename = '*Path-to-service-account-private-key*';
// Creates BQ client
const bq = new BigQuery(bqOptions);
I know you are using the PHP library, but I think the PHP equivalent would work the same.