



我花了一些时间来创建有用的Docker卷以供工作使用.它上面有一个我们软件数据库(SQL Server)的还原备份,我通过将它附加到我当时想运行的任何Linux SQL容器上来将其用于测试/调试.

I have taken some time to create a useful Docker volume for use at work. It has a restored backup of one of our software databases (SQL Server) on it, and I use it for testing/debug by just attaching it to whatever Linux SQL Container I feel like running at the time.

当我在工作中制作有用的Docker映像时,我会使用Azure容器注册表或AWS Elastic Container Registry与我们的团队共享它们.如果作为解决方案的一部分我有一个DockerFile,我可以将其存储在我们的GIT存储库中,以供其他人访问.

When I make useful Docker images at work, I share them with our team using either the Azure Container Registry or the AWS Elastic Container Registry. If there's a DockerFile I've made as part of a solution, I can store that in our GIT repo for others to access.


But what about volumes? Is there a way to share these with colleagues so they don't need to go through the process I went through to build the volume in the first place? So if I've got this 'databasevolume' is there a way to source control it? Or share it as a file to other users of Docker within my team? I'm just looking to save them the time of creating a volume, downloading the .bak file from its storage location, restoring it etc.


简短的答案是,没有默认的Docker功能可导出 docker卷 docker export 明确不导出与容器关联的卷的内容.您可以备份,还原或迁移数据卷.

The short answer is that there is no default docker functionality to export the contents of a docker volume and docker export explicitly does not export the contents of the volumes associated with the container. You can backup, restore or migrate data volumes.


Note: if your're backing up a database I'd suggest using the appropriate tools for that database.


09-01 21:09