




I'm just getting started with kubernetes and setting up a cluster on AWS using kops. In many of the examples I read (and try), there will be commands like:

kubectl run my-app --image=mycompany/myapp:latest --replicas=1 --port=8080

kubectl expose deployment my=app --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer

这似乎在幕后做一些事情,我可以查看使用kubectl edit deployment创建的清单文件,依此类推.但是,我看到了许多示例,这些示例是人们手动创建清单文件,并使用诸如kubectl create -fkubectl apply -f

This seems to do several things behind the scenes, and I can view the manifest files created using kubectl edit deployment, and so forth However, i see many examples where people are creating the manifest files by hand, and using commands like kubectl create -f or kubectl apply -f


Am I correct in assuming that both approaches accomplish the same goals, but that by creating the manifest files yourself, you have a finer grain of control?


Would I then have to be creating Service, ReplicationController, and Pod specs myself?


Lastly, if you create the manifest files yourself, how do people generally structure their projects as far as storing these files? Are they simply in a directory alongside the project they are deploying?



The fundamental question is how to apply all of the K8s objects into the k8s cluster. There are several ways to do this job.

  • 使用生成器(运行,公开)
  • 使用命令式方式(创建)
  • 使用声明性方式(应用)

以上所有方式都有不同的目的和简单性.例如,如果您想快速检查容器是否按预期工作,则可以使用 Generators .

All of the above ways have a different purpose and simplicity. For instance, If you want to check quickly whether the container is working as you desired then you might use Generators .


If you want to version control the k8s object then it's better to use declarative way which helps us to determine the accuracy of data in k8s objects.


Deployment, ReplicaSet and Pods are different layers which solve different problems.All of these concepts provide flexibility to k8s.

  • 荚:它确保相关的容器在一起并提供效率.
  • ReplicaSet:确保k8s集群具有所需的Pod副本
  • 部署:确保您可以使用不同版本的Pod,并提供回滚到以前版本的功能


Lastly, It depends on use case how you want to use these concepts or methodology. It's not about which is good or which is bad.


09-01 21:08