我已经在Azure Kubernetes群集的顶部创建了两个Pod1)申请2)MS SQL服务器
I've created two pods top of Azure Kubernetes cluster1) Application2) MS SQL server
两个Pod均通过Azure负载平衡器公开,并且都具有外部IP.我无法在应用程序配置文件中使用外部IP.但是我可以从任何地方连接该SQL Server.由于某种原因,我无法从应用程序容器中远程登录DB IP.
both pods are exposed via Azure Loadbalancer and both having External IPs. I am unable to use the External IP in my application config file. But I can connect that SQL Server from anywhere. For some reason I am unable to telnet DB IP from Application container.
the connection is getting timeout. but I can ping/telnet the DB's cluster ip. So I have tried to use the DB cluster IP in my config file to check if the connection is successful but no luck.
为应用程序和数据库创建两个Pod,之前在应用程序配置文件中提供数据库集群IP时,它可以工作.但是我能够telnet 1433
Create two pods for Application and DB, Earlier when I provide the DB cluster IP in application config file, it was worked.But I was able to telnet 1433
I have created another K8s cluster in Azure then tried with same setup (provided cluster IP). This time it worked like charm.
感谢@Suresh Vishnoi
Thanks to @Suresh Vishnoi
这篇关于无法从应用程序访问DB Pod外部IP的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!