本文介绍了何时Google Analytics入口不是访问?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



何时访问不是入口? / p>



  ga:entranceBounceRate =(ga:bounces / ga:entrances)* 100 
ga:visitBounceRate =(ga:bounces / ga:visits)* 100


  • 访客A 登录自您的网站搜索和发送到Google Analytics的第一个匹配是综合浏览量。然后他们通过关闭标签/浏览器离开网站。这可以算作1次访问和1次入口。

  • 访问者B 通过搜索登录到您的网站,并且发送给Google Analytics的第一个匹配项是综合浏览量。他们还会与网页上的某些元素进行互动,以(例如,他们点击播放按钮)。这将被视为1次访问和1次入口,因为访问的第一次访问是综合浏览量。现在只需说用户在浏览器标签页中打开此页面,但对页面不做任何处理1小时,然后他们回来并与页面上的另一个元素进行交互(例如,他们打开停止按钮),并且事件发生是发送到Google Analytics。自从1小时后没有任何匹配发送给Google Analytics时,这将被视为新访问。在这种情况下,首次访问是一个事件。所以你最终会在这种情况下进行1次访问,0次入口。


In this question, the accepted answer says that a visit is not always an entrance. I checked and it's true for my site, though the difference is small (0.4% difference).

difference between ga:entranceBounceRate and ga:visitBounceRate

When is a visit not an entrance?


Visits are incremented with the first hit of a session, whereas Entrances are incremented with the first Pageview hit of a session. So if the first hit of the visit is not a Pageview then you might see a difference between these two calculations.

ga:entranceBounceRate = (ga:bounces / ga:entrances) * 100
ga:visitBounceRate = (ga:bounces / ga:visits) * 100

For example:

  • Visitor A lands on your site from a search and the first hit sent to Google Analytics is a pageview. Then they leave the site by closing the tab/browser. This would count as 1 visit and 1 entrance.
  • Visitor B lands on your site from a search and the first hit sent to Google Analytics is a pageview. They also interact with some element on the page that sends an additional hit to Google Analytics in the form of an event (e.g. they click the play button). This would count as 1 visit and 1 entrance because the first hit of the visit was a pageview. Now just say the user keeps this page open in a browser tab but doesn't do anything with the page for 1 hour, then they come back and interact with another element on the page (e.g. they hit stop button) and an event hit is sent to Google Analytics. Since 1 hour went by without any hits being sent to Google Analytics, this will be considered a new visit. And in this case the first hit of the visit was an event. So you would end up in this case with 1 visit, 0 entrances.

So to sum the example up you'd have 3 visits and 2 entrances which would yield different results for those two calculations.

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09-01 20:22