




When I'm replacing icons manually (i.e. NOT from the Folder Options window in explorer), the icon(s) aren't being updated. For example, if I execute this batch code:

REG ADD HKCR\testfile\DefaultIcon /ve /d "C:\test.ico,0" /f


the icon(s) show like they should in the list in Folder Options, but the icons aren't updated on the desktop or in explorer.


The icons are updated if I just hit the "change icon" button for any file type and exit the Folder Options window. But this can't be done via batch or VBS as far as I know.

重新启动Explorer.exe的的工作,但如果我这样做,在任务栏成为越野车的应用程序选项卡由于某种原因(例如:当应用程序最大化,我不能只左键单击任务栏中的标签到了最小化 - 我有实际右键单击它并击中减少...)。更何况,如果我那样做,所有打开的IE窗口将关闭,这是一个小麻烦。

Restarting explorer.exe DOES work, but if I do that, the application tabs in the task bar become buggy for some reason (e.g.: when an application is maximized, I can't just left click the tab in the task bar to minimize it anymore - I have to actually right click it and hit minimize...). Not to mention, if I do it that way, all open explorer windows will close down, and that's a little bothersome.

我也有副本的 TuneUp Utilities的,这对重装图标缓存的选项,但这工作像预期。但是,我再次无法通过批处理或VBS访问此工具。而且它不会重新启动的Explorer.exe或删除任何文件(像一些解决方案来实现)。我敢肯定这个,因为我没有我的操作系统驱动器上的文件iconcache.db的随时随地

I also have a copy of TuneUp Utilities, which has an option for reloading the icon cache, and this does work like intended. But once again, I can't access this tool via batch or VBS. And it doesn't restart explorer.exe or remove any files (like some solutions do). I'm positive of this since I don't have iconcache.db files anywhere on my OS drive.


I also tried adding the registry entries via VBS instead, but that didn't help.


Any batch or VBScript solutions are welcome!



By associating files, the system refreshes the icons, so my simple solution was just this:

ASSOC .anyextension=anytype
ASSOC .anyextension=


Second row disassociates the extension.


09-01 20:18