




I'm using MongoDB with the official Java driver (version 2.6.3). I have a MongoDB collection that contains shopping lists. A shopping list has the format

{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "4e2af1f43f8de96494d5271d"} ,
  "name" : "default" ,
  "items" : [ { "description" : "Cheese" , "quantity" : 1 , "unit" : "kg"} ,
              { "description" : "Water" , "quantity" : 3 , "unit" : "bottle"} ] }

现在我想使用 DBCollection update()方法将新项添加到列表中。但无论我尝试什么它都行不通,虽然它告诉我

Now I want to add a new item to the list with the update()method of DBCollection. But whatever I try it won't work although it's telling me

{ "updatedExisting" : true , "n" : 1 , "connectionId" : 63 , "err" :  null  , "ok" : 1.0}


My code does the following:

    BasicDBObject updateQuery = new BasicDBObject();
    updateQuery.put( "name", "default" );

    BasicDBObject updateCommand = new BasicDBObject();
    updateCommand.put( "$push", new BasicDBObject( "items", newShoppingItem ) );
    WriteResult result = shoppingLists.update( updateQuery, updateCommand, true, true );

newShoppingItem BasicDBObject ,其中包含新项目的数据。我还试图用 BasicDBObjectBuilder JSON.parse()创建 update()参数但它没有任何区别。

newShoppingItem is a BasicDBObject which contains the data for the new item. I also tried to create the update() parameters with BasicDBObjectBuilder and JSON.parse() but it makes no difference.


I also had a look at other posts, tried googleing, but to no avail. What am I doing wrong?



Thanks for any help!



yes, the above code works perfectly fine. I know now where my error was. I wanted to do it bullet-proof, so I thought it would be best to use save() on the DBCollection at the end and explicitly save the shopping list DBObject:

shoppingLists.save( shoppingList );


I now read in some other forum that the objects you retrieve from the database are then not synched with the database afterwards (sounds kind of logical to me now :) ). So I overwrote the changes myself every time. After removing the line above it worked :)

所以一个重要的规则:当您更新 DBCollection 时 - 这是直接发送到数据库! - 不要保存在更新之前查询的 DBObject !它会覆盖您的更新!

So one important rule: When you update your DBCollection – this is sent directly to the database! – don't save a DBObject that you queried before the update! It will overwrite your update!


09-01 20:05