


I want to logging to file and set it in properties file, because default logger.info() output goes to console and in web application there is no console in my case.


正如Navi所说......它进入 src / main / resources

As Navi says... it goes in src/main/resources

只是为了澄清这个主题...... logging.properties 必须进入 WEB-INF / classes 目录。
如果您使用某种框架来组织项目,您必须找到放置文件的位置,以便留在 WEB-INF / classes
如果您使用maven来组织Web应用程序,您必须知道 src / main / resources 中的所有内容都会转到 WEB- INF / classes。

Just to clarify this subject... the logging.properties must go in WEB-INF/classes directory.If you are using some kind of framework for organizing your project, you must find out where to place the file in order to stay in WEB-INF/classesIf you are using maven to organize the web app, you must know that everything that lies in src/main/resources goes to WEB-INF/classes.


09-01 20:01