



我想使用Python的 logging 模块在多线程Python应用程序中实现每线程日志记录.我在主模块中的记录器名称上附加了一个唯一的ID(它会创建线程):

I want to implement per-thread logging in a multithreaded Python application using Python's logging module. I have appended a unique ID to the logger name in the main module (which creates threads):

mylogger = logging.getLogger(str(someInt) + __name__)


This module uses multiple modules which also support logging, but have their loggers initialized like:

mylogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


Since the callee class doesn't see the logger of caller, the logs of caller are thread-specific but that of callee go in one global file, according to its path.

我们该如何避免更改将 str(someInt)传递给其他每个模块并以不变的方式使用它们,但仍记录到线程特定的文件中?

What can we do to avoid changing passing str(someInt) to each of the other modules and use them unchanged, but still log to thread-specific files?


可以通过 logging.Filter 实现,下面是一个示例:

It can be implemented by logging.Filter, here's an example:

import threading
import logging
import logging.config

class ThreadLogFilter(logging.Filter):
    This filter only show log entries for specified thread name

    def __init__(self, thread_name, *args, **kwargs):
        logging.Filter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.thread_name = thread_name

    def filter(self, record):
        return record.threadName == self.thread_name

def start_thread_logging():
    Add a log handler to separate file for current thread
    thread_name = threading.Thread.getName(threading.current_thread())
    log_file = '/tmp/perThreadLogging-{}.log'.format(thread_name)
    log_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)


    formatter = logging.Formatter(
        "| %(threadName)-11s"
        "| %(levelname)-5s"
        "| %(message)s")

    log_filter = ThreadLogFilter(thread_name)

    logger = logging.getLogger()

    return log_handler

def stop_thread_logging(log_handler):
    # Remove thread log handler from root logger

    # Close the thread log handler so that the lock on log file can be released

def worker():
    thread_log_handler = start_thread_logging()
    logging.info('Info log entry in sub thread.')
    logging.debug('Debug log entry in sub thread.')

def config_root_logger():
    log_file = '/tmp/perThreadLogging.log'

    formatter = "%(asctime)-15s" \
                "| %(threadName)-11s" \
                "| %(levelname)-5s" \
                "| %(message)s"

        'version': 1,
        'formatters': {
            'root_formatter': {
                'format': formatter
        'handlers': {
            'console': {
                'level': 'INFO',
                'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
                'formatter': 'root_formatter'
            'log_file': {
                'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
                'level': 'DEBUG',
                'filename': log_file,
                'formatter': 'root_formatter',
        'loggers': {
            '': {
                'handlers': [
                'level': 'DEBUG',
                'propagate': True

if __name__ == '__main__':

    logging.info('Info log entry in main thread.')
    logging.debug('Debug log entry in main thread.')

    for i in xrange(3):
        t = threading.Thread(target=worker,


$ python perThreadLoggingSample.py
2019-03-07 10:29:34,318| MainThread | INFO | Info log entry in main thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,320| Thread-0   | INFO | Info log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,320| Thread-1   | INFO | Info log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,320| Thread-2   | INFO | Info log entry in sub thread.


$ cat /tmp/perThreadLogging.log
2019-03-07 10:29:34,318| MainThread | INFO | Info log entry in main thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,319| MainThread | DEBUG| Debug log entry in main thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,320| Thread-0   | INFO | Info log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,320| Thread-1   | INFO | Info log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,321| Thread-0   | DEBUG| Debug log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,320| Thread-2   | INFO | Info log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,321| Thread-1   | DEBUG| Debug log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,321| Thread-2   | DEBUG| Debug log entry in sub thread.
$ cat /tmp/perThreadLogging-Thread-0.log
2019-03-07 10:29:34,320| Thread-0   | INFO | Info log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,321| Thread-0   | DEBUG| Debug log entry in sub thread.
$ cat /tmp/perThreadLogging-Thread-1.log
2019-03-07 10:29:34,320| Thread-1   | INFO | Info log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,321| Thread-1   | DEBUG| Debug log entry in sub thread.
$ cat /tmp/perThreadLogging-Thread-2.log
2019-03-07 10:29:34,320| Thread-2   | INFO | Info log entry in sub thread.
2019-03-07 10:29:34,321| Thread-2   | DEBUG| Debug log entry in sub thread.


09-01 19:42